The grip of a Corset

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(Photo by Tengyart)

I swear that I should have been born in an era where wearing a corset was the standard. I mean, outside of the disease, lice or the fact that there was no running water or modern toilets for most of those eras, the corset is extremely appealing to me. I am a fool for the historical theme shows like The Tutors and Reign. I also love flicks from time periods that have the corset style costumes like Game of Thrones and Bridgerton. The way Angelina Jolie looked in the movie Original Sin... absolutely loved her dresses!

I was originally draw to the corset when I went to see the movie Titanic when I was 14. The curves of the corset. The immediate breast lift. Being a lady that has large breasts, the fact that I could wear a top without a bra, piqued my curiosity. There's no slouching in a corset either. The bones (Bones are what shapes the corset. The material the bones are made out of is dependent on the time period. Not all bone material is equal!) that shaped the corset, allured me. The strength and power a woman demanded while wearing a corset, was something I have always admired. During past time periods, corsets and dresses were how women expressed themselves. The colors, fabrics and exaggerations of their natural body is how they would differ from other women.

The first time I purchased a corset I was in my late teens. I found one at a thrift store when I was looking for a bookcase. I know, I know, but I got sidetracked. Squirrel brain! I bought this small masterpiece for seven dollars. It was dark blue with little off-white flowers embroidered into it. Excitement coursed through me. I was not aware that corsets were available to buy. Like, WHAT? I need you to realize this was before google. I had a flip phone. You can google flip phone if you aren't sure what that is! I got home, washed it very carefully, not knowing how to care for a corset, I didn't want to ruin it. Lightly scrubbing the flowers with Oxy-Clean and wiping the satin fabric with my fingers under running water with a little bit of soap for about an hour, I rinsed the cleaners out of the delicate fabric and then I hung it to dry.

When I got home from work the night after, it was like new. Out of anticipation, my normally long relaxing shower only took about 10 minutes. I dried off and tried my corset on. This corset was not one that laced up in the back. It clipped all the way up the front. I remember sucking in my breathe and holding it while I fastened each clip. It was a struggle to say the least. It took me a solid half an hour to fasten each clasp. I had a moment where I almost gave up. But I sat down and focused on the task at hand. I stood in the mirror, asking for guidance and succeeded. Unfortunately, the corset was a size or two too small and pinched my hips. My nipples were barely covered and the brim at the bottom was folding up. I got it on though!!!

Although it did not fit me like the ones in the movies fit the women, the way it felt on me, was exhilarating. I felt like I had missed out on a secret dress code. At the time, no one I knew had this corset. I had always worn clothing that was considered tomboyish. I felt like a different person with this on. I turned left and right, and around a few times, reviewing my accentuated curves. The pressure on my stomach felt good. I know it sounds uncomfortable, but I loved it. My back was forced straight and I didn't need a bra; that was the best part for me. I imagined how I would look if the corset fit properly. I had a new mission. I needed to find a corset that fit. I HAD to find one!

With online shopping being almost nonexistent at the time, I would go to a store with lingerie and I would ask if they had corsets. Finally, after two malls, I found a store that had corsets in stock and I could try on before I purchased them. In my mind, I hit the jackpot. My friend and I picked out one of almost every style that the store had in stock. I think there were three styles that had a few different colors for each. The icing on the cake was the fact that I could get them custom made with the style and color I wanted, if I was willing to wait a couple weeks and pay a bit more.

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