Chapter 2

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The group heads into the dark woods with their flashlights all terrified and worried for their dear friend bianca.

Gina:Okay guys i know i'm supposed to be the heoric one but i'm totally freaked out right now!

Will:It's okay gina we're all worried but i'm sure this is just one of bianca's stupid games.

Jason:She's gonna pay if she's got us out here at midnight looking for her only for her to be playing stupid games!

Helen:Guy's let's not speak like this..okay whether you wanna admit it or not we all care for bianca and none of us would want to see her harmed..

Jason mumbles

Jason:Speak for yourself..

Helen stops and the group does aswell

Helen:Jason what the hell?

Jason:Look i'm just saying what the room is thinking.

Helen:And what exactly is that?

Jason:That it wouldn't exactly be the end of the world if you know..

Jason:Bianca died.

Everyone stares at jason disgusted and shocked.

Gina:Jason what the hell?! I'm not the biggest fan of Bianca either but that's a horrible thing to say even for bianca!

Will:Yeah jay that was way out of pocket and extremely wrong. could you say something like that..?

Jason:Oh so we're all gonna pretend that the thought never crossed our minds? Oh okay fine let's be hypocrites!

Jason storms off into the woods.

Helen:Jason come back!

Helen runs after jason


Helen doesn't listen and continues to run after jason evetunally losing will,gina,and jason altogether.

Helen is now lost in the woods alone.

Helen:Oh what am i going to do..

A dark figure speeds through.


It speeds through again.

Helen:Look whoever's there please don't hurt me!

It speeds through continuously.

Helen runs in fear as fast she can, not worried about catching her breath.

Helen's thoughts:I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!

Helen continues running but trips over something and before she realizes it she's falling off of a cliff.

Jason's point of view.

Jason's thoughts:Man i shouldn't have left helen,gina,and will alone like that.

Jason's thoughts:I know what i said was wrong and out of pocket but it's not like we all weren't thinking the same thing..

Jason's thoughts:Bianca has done nothing but inflicted negativity on our group since day 1.

Jason's thoughts:But she obviously doesn't deserve to die for it..

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