Chapter 10

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Will and Bianca walk in the dark forest together.

While walking a conversation begins.

Bianca:So where exactly are we heading?

Will:To the cave.

Will:I think this might be the dramatic epic final showdown.

Bianca:Well here goes nothing!

Jason's point of view.

Jason pulls up with his car and him and dawn head into the forest.

Dawn:Jason it's so dark and scary..

Jason:Hey you insisted on coming.

Dawn:Well obviously i wasn't letting you walk through these creepy ass woods alone!

Jason holds dawn's hand.

Jason:I'm glad i'm here with you dawn.

Jason:I love you.

Dawn smiles at jason's words.

Dawn:I love you too which is why i have to tell you the truth..

Dawn inhales and speaks.

Dawn:Helen had texted the group chat saying she was in trouble and..i deleted the message..

Jason gasps.

Jason:Dawn what the hell?!

Dawn:Jason i'm so sorry and i understand if you don't wanna be with me anymore i was just being jealous and that was so insane and wrong of me and i swear i'll never do something like that again.

Jason sighs.

Jason:Dawn i'm pretty upset with you right now but that doesn't change the way i feel about you.

Jason:You were willing to come here with me at this time of night because you genuinely do care about me.

Jason:I love you dawn.

Jason leans in and kisses dawn.

Dawn:We should keep moving.

Jason:Yeah your right.

The two keep moving through the woods.

Gina's point of view.

Gina stands by will's car.

Gina's thoughts:I fucked up so badly...

Gina's thoughts:I treated helen like dog shit and i took what was left of my anger out on will..

Gina:Now i lost my best friend and my boyfriend..

Gina begins to cry.

Gina:I have to go back.

Gina:My best friend and boyfriend could be in danger right now.

Gina runs back to the woods and into the woods hoping to have caught up to will and bianca.

Gina's thoughts:It's definitely creepy being in these woods at this time of night but i care too much about will to see him get hurt..

Gina continues walking and trips into a pit.


Gina falls onto a hard rock and lies unconscious.

Will and bianca's point of views.

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