Chapter 6

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2 months later.

Helen:A lot has changed in the past 2 months.

Helen:The nightmares never stopped.

Helen:I unfortunately had to cut all my friends out of my life.

Helen:I just couldn't handle it anymore mentally.

Helen:I broke up with jason and ever since then we've been on school break.

Helen:Well tomorrow school starts back and i'm definitely not prepared.

Helen:I haven't seen anyone in the past 2 months except My Mom, My Dad, And My Sister Kelly.

Helen:But I've hardly associated with them either.

Helen:I've completely changed over the past few months.

Helen:Even when my eyes are open..all i see is cohan and coranne.

Helen:My parents have had me taking medications.

Helen:But they don't help.

Helen:They'll never help.

Helen:I'll never be helped.

Helen:I'll always be a disgusting murderer.

Helen:I deserve this.

Helen:I deserve this pain.

Helen:I deserve to die.

Helen attempts to fall back asleep.

In helen's dreams.


Cohan:Helen come out to playyyy!!

Helen jumps up and wakes up.

Helen:Just another nightmare.

Helen:It's 4 in the morning..

Helen:3 more hours of sleep i can try and get but won't.

7:00 am.

Helen:I guess its time to get dressed for school..

Helen's mom enters the room.

Helen's mom:Hey honey! Are you excited for school?!

Helen's thoughts:She cannot be serious right now.

Helen:I've been mentally checked out for the past 2 i look ready for school?

Helen's mom sighs.

Helen's mom:Look helen i know these past 2 months have been hard for you but you have to get out and see your friends again they miss you!

Helen:I don't have any friends and i dumped jason.

Helen's mom:You what?!

Helen's mom:Why?! Did something happen-

Helen cuts her mom off.

Helen:Jason deserves a mentally available girlfriend and right now that isn't me.

Helen:Now please get out so i can get dressed.

Helen's mom sighs and leaves the room.

Helen's mom:I love you helen..

Helen just stares blankly back at her as she exits the room.

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