Chapter 7

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Helen's point of view

All i can hear is a bunch of people saying a million things.

I gently try and open my eyes but fail.


he..he...he..hel...hel..helen...HELEN WAKE UP!

Helen:Where am i..?

Cohan:Hello helen!


Helen:Cohan- what are you doing here?!

Cohan:You thought you could escape me didn't you~

Cohan:That i would never find you!

Cohan grabs helen by her neck and slams her against the wall.

Cohan:Listen here bitch.

Helen's thoughts:I can hardly breathe..


Cohan:SHUT UP!

I can feel my throat closing up and everything getting light.

I can't breathe..i can't breathe..I CAN'T BREATHE!



Everything goes silent.





Helen jumps up out of her bed.

Helen:W-where am i?! What's going on?!

Helen's Mom:Sweetie your in the hospital..


Helen's mom:Helen you got hit by a car..

Then i remember.

A car striking and hitting me..

Then everything going black..

A doctor walks into the room.

Doctor:Well she appears to be fine miss rivers she doesn't have anything broken and the worst i can say is that she'll probably have an aching headache for the next week.

Helen's mom:Oh thank you doctor, you've been so kind and helpful.

Doctor:It's no problem miss, it's my job.

Doctor:We can give her some medications to take for her headache but please contact us if anything feels worse.

Doctor:Your both free to go.

The doctor exits the room.


Helen's mom:Honey the school called..

Helen's mom:The principal said from the looks of it you had a mental breakdown..

Helen's mom reaches over to helen and gives her a hug.

Helen's mom:Look sweetie everything will be alrig-

Helen's thoughts:hearing her talk was only making my headache worse and i couldn't take it anymore and i blurted out something atrocious..

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