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As the cresent moon shone bright the werewolves turned into their human form.

Lisa ran towards Rosé and Rosé engluffed her in a hug before covering her with a towel she took from Yoongi that he had in the car.

"I missed you" the younger spoke wrapping the towel around herself "I missed you more" Rosé spoke making Lisa chuckle.

"Are we gonna get something...to cover ourselves?" J-hope asked who was sitting beside Jungkook behind the bushes.

Rosé's eyes met with Jungkook and she smiled "I brought some pants,I dont know if they'll fit you" she said throwing two pair of Jean's towards them and they caught it before slipping em on and walking out.

"This is Lisa,my sister and this is J-hope her husband,my brother in law" she spoke pointing at both of them before pointing her finger at Jungkook "and this is Jungkook,my....friend" Jungkook gave her a smile.

"Rosé,I need to talk to you" Jungkook spoek making it harder for Rosé to not look at his bare chest. "Let's get home and then we can talk all you want" she spoke looking anywhere but at him.

"Talking about home-" Jennie spoke stepping up and Taehyung landed his gaze on her for the first time since they were teleported there.

Come back home Taehyung-

Can we not do this right now?


Dont....just dont.

He spoke turning around but Jennie held his wrist and turned him around before hugging him while his hands just fell freely by his sides. "I will kill and die for you.....I never wanted you dead,you are the reason I lived this long. I love you brother...I always have and I always will" she hugged him tighter and Oh boy even Taehyung's cold heart melted.

He looked at Rosé who gave him a nod and with that he hugged her sister like he always wanted to. He kissed her temple and stroked her hair. "I love you too sister,I always have and I always will" he kissed her cheek. "So you've forgiven me?" She asked as he whipped her tears "Umm hmm" he hummed "Prove it... come back home" she spoke stepping back. He just smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Let's get you home,our home" he spoke and smiled...genuinely smiled like not a smirk or scoff but smile and did he look gorgeous? Rosé says yes.

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