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Mio finished wrapping bandages around Aura's stomach, wiping the sweat off her forehead, she finally let out a sigh of relief. "If I hadn't ran away.." She muttered to herself, slightly tugging on her hair.. "But if I didn't, that boy would've been eaten.." She groaned loudly, leaning her head back and looking at the ceiling.

Mio's eyes was slowly closing, feeling the tiredness slowly overcome her. But she was startled when noises came from the kitchen. She let out a low growl. "Taiga! Easy in there!" She pushed herself up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen. There she saw Taiga eating some leftovers on the table, she sighed but let out a chuckle. "Oh I can't get angry at you.."

"Okay, that's a lie.. Kinda.." She said, pushing her bangs away. "Just this once! I'll forgive you." She muttered before walking back to the living room. Her eyes scanned the room before it landed on Aura's sleeping form. "I need to fix this mess I made.." She muttered then grabbed her jacket and walked outside. "Dad's definitely dead if this is what happened to Aura.. And guns?!" Her anger rose as she walked down the streets and into a path to the forest.

She sighed as she started climbing the cliff. Mumbling and cursing something under her breath as she struggled to climb because of her long nails. "Damn nails.."

She finally reached the top, walking for a few. She can finally see down though some clearing, growling slightly as she tugged and broke off some branches, sighing in relief as she finally see the colony once more. Her eyes narrowed as she saw that not much has changed except for a few banners and.. Nevermind, it's changed a hell of a lot more than she first glanced at it.

"My house and Aura's house is completely trashed.. No surprise there.." She let out a shaky sigh, she was completely shocked when she noticed that tears were flowing down. She was too angry, she wanted to murder Leo for what she did to her home. Her and Aura's home. "Leo.." She muttered and was about to hop off when she saw bodied pinned and hanging on the trees.

Her hand immediately shot up to her mouth and covered it, holding her vomit back. Looking at the corpses, she saw that some of them fully decomposed but some are fresh. But her eyes focused on one thing and everything around her just blurred.

"A Failure of a Alpha Wolf Who Housed A Traitor Whore" Mio said out loud as her eyes fully focused on her father's half decomposed head. "Leo.." She muttered as she stood up, her entire body trembled in anger.

Mio was blinded in rage as she immediately jumped off the cliff and rolled into a kneeling position. Her breathing hitched and stopped, her throat went dry as she saw her mother mutilated corpse, her guts hanging out, her eyes gouged out and pinned to her breats. Her brain exposed all over on the floor while her head was inside her stomach. All of the anger was immediately washed away and was overwhelmed by sadness.

But this too was washed away when she saw her siblings. She immediately wrapped her hand around the bars. "Ichiro! Hey! Wake up!" She whispered yelled to her brother who but he didn't respond, she crawled over to the door and tugged on the lock. "I'll get you out, don't wo..rry.." Her voice died down as she finally got a closer look on her brother.

She fell back on her ass, her chest tightening as she saw her one and only brother, mutilated as well but his entire body was missing chunks and half of his face was forcefully bitten away. "M-Mio.. M-My sister.." A weak voice rang out in Mio's ears.

She immediately turned around, her eyes steeled as she saw Leo and her sister, crucified on the cross behind him. "Well well! Look who's come back! Welcome back, Mio! You know, I've been patient waiting for ya. Your mother was loose, not my type but hoh, your brother? Goddamn, he was gripping tight!" He laughed and pointed to Mio's sister. "Her? Well, haven't tested her out yet but I am dying to have my dick in her! Wouldn't you wanna feel the same? A lot of people say I'm good with sex." A sly smirk appeared on his face. "Your friend Aura would know, goddamn was she tight no matter how much dick is in h-" Leo dodged but it wasn't enough, Mio's blade managed to cut off Leo's ear off. "FUCK!" He yelled out, Mio immediately cut her sister loose and caught her.

She was about to stab her knife into Leo's head until her hand was shot. She hissed and growled in pain as she saw the wolves who had guns on the roof. She dodged the bullets no problem but now here comes her problem. She would have to run back to civilisation while she was carrying her sister.

The alarm blared through the entire colony, she wasted no time to run for the bushes and through some thick trees. She almost wanted to collapse but knowing that her colony is the best at tracking, she just ran faster. Faster than she's ever ran. Mio too was surprised at how fast she can go, she was instinctively dodging and evading some branches and old traps that were planted by the human hunters in the forest.

As she saw the lights, gunshots were heard and bullets were hitting the trees beside her and someone nearly got lucky but she ducked her head to the left, avoiding the bullet that was meant for her head.

"STOP!" The wolves yelled out as they desperately shot more bullets and Mio just did her best to dodge them. With one last final push, she jumped towards and past the lights and in front of a hunters cabin. Reaching in her jacket, she immediately put on a beanie. "HELP! THERE'S WOLVES CHASING US!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and sudden movements were heard inside. The door flew open and hunters with guns immediately came out and Mio quickly hid to the side, hugging her sister tightly. "We're almost there Hikari.."

But unfortunately for Mio.. She felt something.. Looking down, she saw blood, she passed it off to her getting it but when she saw the hole on the back of Hikari's head, she felt her world crumble. "NO NO! HIKARI?!" Mio yelled out desperately while holding her sister's corpse on her arms. "NO PLEASE NO!" She yelled out as the truth was finally setting in. "LEEEEEEEOOOOOO!" Mio yelled angrily, her voice echoed throughout the entire neighbourhood and forest.

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