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Mio rubbed her eyes for the 10th time this morning, stifling another yawn, she tried to focus on her screen. Last night hasn't been kind to her, she's been jumping at every noise she hear, she's been checking in on Aura whenever she has the chance.

Her paranoia got to the point that she got scared of her own pet cat.

Sighing loudly and readjusting herself on her chair for the 20th time, she pushed herself off from her table and stood up, her gaze immediately scanned the room and immediately fell on the sleeping form of Aura on the couch on the corner of the room. She let out a gentle sigh and walked towards the couch and even though she told herself not to lay down, her body automatically laid down beside Aura.

Mio then took her time to admire Aura's peaceful sleeping face, Mio's face scrunched up as she couldn't help but feel hurt whenever she sees Aura so peaceful. Aura could've had a more peaceful life if she didn't help that human boy all those years ago, but helping out the boy did offer her a lot of opportunities in life.

Shaking her head to rid of those thoughts. 'No.. I can't keep regretting my decision.. Aura is here with me now, I can take care of her now.. It's the only thing binding me to this damn dirt of a place..' She inwardly said as she pushed Aura's bangs away from her face then admired her face.

A small smile formed on her lips, for a moment, she forgot all of her worries. Her focus is now solely on Aura alone, Mio's hand reached up and caressed Aura's cheek. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.." She whispered as she continued to caress Aura's cheek. A sigh escaped from her lips as her eyes slowly trailed down to Aura's lips, her fingers soon followed the trail and is now currently rubbing the younger wolf's lips. "I love you.." Mio whispered as she gently pressed her forehead against Aura's.

"Miss Mi.. A-ah, I'll uhm." A young man immediately but quietly closed the door. Mio didn't seem to notice as she didn't even reacted..

"Eh?" Mio quickly sat up and looked towards the doorway, she was a bit confused but once it settled in, she rushed the doorway and pulled the door open, almost ripping it off from it's hinges. "YOU!" She whisper yelled at the man, she also gave him a menacing glare that sent shivers down his spine.

"A-A m-mail f-for you m-ma'am." The man stuttered and shakily handed Mio her package. Mio then looked at the package then cautiously took it and sighed, looking at the man with a apologetic look. "I'm very sorry, just please keep this quiet?" The man nodded and motioned a zipping motion across his lips and quietly left towards the elevator.

Mio inspected the box and closed the door using her feet, sniffing the box, she couldn't smell anything from it so she brought her ears down and listened for something then gently shook it. "Hmm.." She hummed and placed it on her table, using her claw to cut the tape off. Slowly opening the box, she took a peek in and let out a sigh of relief then ripped the box open.

Her hand slowly reached towards the handle, her fingers lightly caressing it's hilt. Gently grabbing it, she lifted it up and was quite surprised at how light it was, inspecting the blade, she noticed how shiny it was. Looking at her own reflection on the blade, she chuckled and gripped the hilt with both hands. "Guess he isn't kidding when he's good, huh?" She muttered and swung the sword, still in awe at how light and imagined how fast she can swing and attack with this.

But then her imagination turned dark, she started to imagine Leo and his goons standing in front of her, standing there and mocking her with that damn ugly grin of his and brandishing her father's sword. Her grip tightened on the hilt, rage was slowly building up in her but she snapped out of it when hear ears twitched. She reached over her desk and quickly hid the sword and turned around just in time to see her boss open the door.

"Mio? I need the report by noon, please finish it up and you can head home. Thank you in advance." He said then left immediately but then came back to close the door. Mio let out a sigh of relief and looked outside her window. "At least I now have a weapon to protect me and Aura.." She whispered to herself, her gaze returning to the sleeping form of Aura.

"One last thing to do then we're going home.." She said to herself then returned to her chair, eager to finish her work early.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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