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Mio stared up at the bright blue sky, cursing at it for being so bright. She let out a quiet growl before slowly sitting up, looking around, she finally noticed that she was in her owm backyard. "Must've passed out.." She muttered to herself and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes then proceeds to take a kneeling position.

This is where she finally noticed a fresh grave, her eyes narrowed at it. Tears were already rolling down her cheeks, she at first, had no idea why she was crying or why a grave is in her own backyard. But once the events from last night finally hit her, she let out a sad and shaky sigh. "You'll pay for this Leo.. For my family.. For Aura and her family.." She muttered then slowly stood up, she winced in pain as she slowly stretched her body, some satisfying cracks were heard, earning a relieved groan from Mio. "Phew.."

Walking over to her sister's grave, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "Rest, my dear sister.." She whispered, wiping away any tears on her face.

After standing over the grave for quite some time, she finally went back into her house. She immediately spotted a still sleeping Aura on her couch, she sighed quietly then approached her, planning to pick her up and bring her to her bedroom until she saw the clock on the wall. "Oh.. Oh I'm so late.." She said, she felt conflicted. She wants to stay back here and help Aura out but if she doesn't go to work, she could end up homeless as she wouldn't be able to pay the rent.

"I suppose bringing her wouldn't be too bad.." She quietly said then grabbed her phone and dialed her boss up..

After that long and winded conversation, she managed to convince her boss at what happened with her. She had to lie about visiting the hospital and taking care of a relative that got in a accident, she didn't elaborate further as she would risk of getting herself too caught up with her own lie. And for the case of Aura, she managed to convince the boss as well. Somehow.

"How am I to bring Aura to work?" She asked herself while combing her hair back then quickly braiding it. Spotting something on the mirror, she looked back and saw a wheelchair folded up and stored away in the corner. "Huh, I guess that works?"

Grabbing the wheelchair and unfolding it, she grabbed a rag and quickly wiping the dust away. "Right, this'll do.." Pushing the wheelchair over, she gently transferred Aura to the chair. Seeing her clothes still dirty, she silently cursed herself and just wrapped a blanket around the girl then the duo head out.

Pushing the wheelchair, she took this time to fully stretch her entire body. Shuddering slightly as the knots she felt, finally disappeared. "Man.. That sleep on the grass really messed up my body.. Never doing that again.."

She soon arrived in her office, she weaved and bobbed through the cubicles and finally reached her office. She sighed in relief as she noticed the stack of papers weren't as much as last week. Finally sitting down but not before putting Aura in a spot where she can see her at the corner of her eye, she then started typing away and recording whatever needed and shredded the useless ones.

It didn't take long and she finished up already, letting out a sigh of relief and feeling joyous inside.. But it was short lived as she heard a knock, quickly turning, she saw her boss with a single paper on his hands. "Mio? This paper is addressed to you. Couldn't understand what's written on it but the delivery girl said it was important and to not throw it away." Mio's brow rosed to this but nonetheless, grabbed the paper and held it. "Well, that'll be all from me. Take care of your girl there." He remarked before leaving, Mio just waved her in, acknowledging she heard him then inspected the paper.

At first, she was confused and dumbfounded, it looked like a chicken or a preschooler wrote this. But with her keen eyes and looking further at the paper, she started to see small letters, no, small sentences written underneath the ugly writing. "Check my phone..?" She read and reached for her phone, it was at this time when her phone received a notification, specifically, an email.

Her eyes slightly narrowed at it. She hesitated to grab the phone and open it. Steeling herself, she swiftly took the phone and immediately opening it. Finding her email app, she opened it. Her email mostly consists of work, some invitation from her co-workers.

Checking her spam, there she found the new email. The sender was anonymous. "This could be a virus.." She muttered and stared at it but finally sighed and gave in, pressing the email.

Her eyes immediately widen as the email only had one attachment in it.. And it was a sleeping Aura.. A picture of Aura sleeping peacefully on Mio's couch. She slammed her phone down and stood up, her face filled with rage and a snarl spread across her face, she immediately looked around the office from her office, her eyes scanning her coworkers to see any perpetrators but found none, she immediately looked outside and looked across the building. There she saw two figures standing there and watching over her. She growled loudly, one figure dropped down from the ledge and onto the rooftop behind them.

One stayed and kept watch at her, this made Mio confused but she did spot one defining feature of the figure. A beautiful blue hair but before Mio could examine more, the figure dropped onto the rooftop as well. Mio narrowed her eyes and took a mental note to secure her house if she does decide to leave Aura alone in the house.

The day went on without a hitch but Mio stayed alert the whole time and Aura did wake up, confused and scared at first but is immediately happy and felt safe when Mio hugged her.

The two enjoyed each others company, the two talked about what happened and it couldn't be avoided when the topic fell on the colony. Aura's demeanour immediately changed, she became more scared and her eyes showed pure sadness. Mio couldn't help but feel bad, a part of her wanted to just go back in time and leave the boy and just went on with her life.. If she didn't help the boy, she would've been still back home, probably reading or playing with her siblings and hanging out with Aura.

But that's all just a dream for Mio, now, she lives in a world where she chose to save the boy. She inwardly sighed and felt as if the downfall of the colony was her fault.

Giving Aura an eye smile, she then held her hands and gently squeezed it. "Don't worry. I'll be here and I'll keep you safe, I promise, nothing bad will ever happened." Mio promised and hugged Aura, she gently stroke Aura's hair while the poor girl just rested her face on the crook of Mio's neck. 'I'll keep you safe.. I promise.. I won't let anything happen to you..'

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