Chapter 5

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“I love you.”

Oops.  Dammit.  I really didn’t mean to do the stupid girl thing. Tell him now.  He just got his. He was probably way over wanting to hear those words.

“Yeah…you said that already…”  Was anything on this Earth more intoxicating than a sweaty, flushed Michael with blazing eyes, and a cocky grin?  



“I don’t know… Orgasm two or three…somewhere there abouts.” 

Really? Oh shit. So much for being stealthy. 

“Don’t brag. So not attractive.”  

“You’re so damn cute with that pout.”

“Not funny.”

“Hey- don’t be mad at me.  You were kinds screaming it out there….hard to miss…despite all the…action…”  Did he just actually blush?

Michael withdrew and I shivered once more from the loss of his still semi hard penis.  Before I could protest he turned me and met my eyes without the shield of the mirror.

“Say it again.”  Kissing me, he leaned his forehead against mine.  Making him become all blurry. Except his eyes. I couldn’t escape those.

“I love you…but…”
“No, without the but.”
“But…” I tried once more.  He wasn’t the boss of me. If I wanted to interject some reason here, it was totally up to me. His hands came around and grabbed my ass, pulling me into him.

“That’s the only butt I’m interested in. That amazing ass…” He gave me a little swat. 

“Beating me won’t help.”
He laughed out loud. “Beating you? I gave you’re little body a beating, alright…One you begged for…”

“Bragging again?”
Michael kissed my forehead, then my mouth. Thoroughly. I loved his taste right after we made love.   Yes, made love.  Oh God, I was in such deep shit. Again. 

“Hey- those sounds you were making…I did something right… And the things you do to me…you just got no idea.”
“A little…”

Another kiss. I noticed how my skin was on fire.  Welcome pain.  Anything to be with his stubbly ass like this. Santa seriously needed to bring me that straight jacket. 

“Lisa…we gotta talk…”

Oh God, was that the part where he told me it was nice that we could enjoy each other and that it was grand we loved each other, but he had to run off to impregnate someone else? Right after he convinced her with lingerie and jewelry. I had not forgotten his little shopping trip.  

I stiffened. Not meaning to. Because I felt so safe and warm right were I was. And yet- I fully expected to be knocked on my ass any minute now.

“Don’t back away…”
No, that was his job.

“Look. We talk later, kay. I mean. This was nice. A little trip down memory lane on Christmas Eve. I don’t have any expectations, alright. You don’t need to automatically think I’m gonna launch into some drama. It’s all good.  We’re both adults and we happen to enjoy each other. But I know the score. I’m a big girl now.”

He looked at me and something in his face tightened. What? Wasn’t this what he wanted? 

“You’re something, alright. You know the score?  I seriously don’t think you do.  It was nice? And you’re trippin’ alright, and it ain’t down memory lane…”

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