Chapter 7

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My mouth hung low as I looked at the person standing in front of me. I hadn't seen her in over five years and now all of a sudden she's here.

"Mom", I asked startled. Why was she here?

She walked further into the room and walked between me and Jalen. I awkwardly backed away as Jalen scratched the back of his neck.

"Uh hey Ms. Johnson", he said nervously.

"Wait, you guys know each other?"

"Of course, he's you sisters fiance. But I'm not here for that, I'm here for you. I missed you baby", she said walking towards me. She tried to give me a hug but I moved out her way and stared at her. I hadn't heard from this lady since I was 15 and now all of a sudden she was back. Something wasn't right and I had a bad feeling about all of this.

"Oh thank goodness your woke", Elaine walked in the room. I looked around awkwardly at everyone in the room. Most importantly Jalen. I was in a ring of fire and I didn't know how I was going to get out of it.

"What's going on here", she asked looking around. "What are you doing here babe." She walked over to the bed and sat her purse down.

"Uh I was just checking on her", he said and scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh really", she asked skeptically. "How do you guys know each other?"

"Yea, how do you guys know each other", my mom joined. I gave her a death glare and looked towards Jalen. What the hell did I get myself in to? I knew I should've stopped this shit before it even started.

"Uh the grocery store", he said more as a question. I saw the look in Elaine's eyes as she stared at him and it wasn't good.

"Oh really?" She turned towards me and stared. "Sure there's nothing else  going on cause I wouldn't want to have to hurt my little sister", she smirked.

"Come again", I asked because I just knew she wasn't talking to me. I know I just got out of a hospital bed but I won't hesitate to beat her ass. "Ima need you to fix the way you came at me cause that shit was out of line. I'll be dammed if you sit up here and accuse me of shit", I fumed.

"But it's true. Isn't it Jalen? You love her right? Your in love with her?" My mom just had to throw her two cents in making the room very tense. I saw the redness come from Elaine. She tied her hair in a ponytail and charged towards me. She didn't get far before Jalen grabbed her.

"I'm going yo beat yo ass bitch, just wait", she yelled trying to get out of Jalen's grasp.

"Try me bitch", I smirked. I didn't want it to go this far but if she wanted to fight then I wouldn't mind. Its pitiful that my own sister wants to fight me over a nigga but if she really about it then we can go.

There was a knock on the door and a security guard walked in. "I'm sorry but I've heard a few complaints and I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises."

"Yes sir, we'll be right out", I said politely. "I'm going to change but when I get back I want you all gone."

My mom started to protest but I held my hand up. "Especially you." I turned and walked towards the bathroom. I slipped on the jogging pants and T-shirt.

When I walked back out everyone was gone except Jalen. I shook my head looking at him. "I thought I told you to leave."

"If I would have left, who would've took you home."

"I would've found a way", I mumbled.

"Aye chill ma, it ain't that serious", he said walking towards me. I backed away trying to keep my distance.

"It is that serious. My mom knows that we're fucking and so does my sister. Who wants to fight me by the way!"

"I know you not backing down from a challenge", he smirked.

I smacked my lips, "Don't play with me."

"Whatever, let's go before security come back in here."

I nodded and grabbed my bag and walked down with him to the car. I got in and sat in the seat and stared out the window. The thoughts of what happened to me came to mind and I decided that something had to change. Of course I love my job but if its putting me in all this danger than why should I continue. I think its time to invest in something new. I loved dancing no matter what type of dancing it was so maybe I would open a dance studio.

"What you want", I heard Jalen ask. I was confused until I looked over and noticed the McDonald's menu.

"Uh a McChicken and fries. Oh and an Oreo Mcflurry."

He ordered the food and we waited until she gave us our order.

"Can you drop me by the club, I shouldn't be to long."

"Why", he asked looking at me weirdly.

"I gotta handle something." He looked at me knowingly before nodding his head.

When we arrived at the club I sat in the car just thinking. I knew I had to do this and it was best for me if I wanted to be on this earth any longer. Because who knows, one slip up and I could be dead. I sighed and reached for the door knob. My hand layed on the cold metal but didn't put in any force to open it.

"You good, you can do this", Jalen said rubbing my thigh. He trued to move it further up my leg but I pushed his hand away and got out the car.

I walked in through the back of club not wanting to be bothered with the scene up front. In the day time it was mostly old pervert dudes drooling over the women and throwing change. I walked past all the girls in the dressing room as they stopped and stared. Any other day I would have said something but right now I was on a mission.

"Wassup E, you here earlier", Rick said coming out of Shawn's office.

"Gotta handle something."

"Oh I see", he smirked.

"Not that type of business", I mugged him. I didn't give him a chance to tell before walking into Shawn's office.

"We need to talk", I said closing the door.

"Wassup, I was just getting ready to head out", he said finishing his sub.

"I have to quit, these past two months gave been the worse and its because of this place", I let out in one breath.

He stared and began to laugh. "You ain't going no where. You make me the most money, I'll be dammed of you walk out on me."

"Watch me", I got out the chair and began walking to the door. As my hand touched the door knob I felt him yank on my hair. I yelped in pain as Shawn threw me to the wall. He walked over to me and held me by my throat against the wall.

"You signed a contract. Five years and its only been three so you going to stay and be in every night working that damn pole and anything else I tell you to do. Do you understand!?"

I nodded my head slowly causing more pain to my esophagus. "Now get on your knees", he smirked.

"No", I struggled to speak.

His grip on my neck go tighter and I nodded my head. His hands released my neck and I slid to the ground. He unzipped his pants and forced his way into my mouth.


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