Chapter 2: Vision

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The week went by fast. It was the beginning of the school year, so a bunch of people were trying to get settled in. Gabe had convinced his Dad to let him go camping. We were both very excited. He would say that every 6th period before he left.

He was so adorable.

Friday night was the day we left. After 6th period me and Gabe went over to my car so I could take him to his house. He left his camping gear there.

On the way we ran into Jackson. Jackson had been bullying me since the 3rd grade. Now that I'm out of the closet he loves to call me faggot. As we were walking he jumped in front of me and Gabe.

"So are you about to give the new guy a blowjob? Well he's not a faggot queer like u!" He pushed me then Gabe defended me. Gabe grabbed him by the neck and yelled

"Leave him alone you worthless douchebag!" He then threw him to the ground. Jackson ran away holding his elbow which I could tell was bleeding. Gabe then turned to me and asked if I was ok.

"I'm better then him. That was awesome. You're really strong." I said

"Well he deserved it I hate being bullied for sexuality." He said. I notice he said "I hate being bullied for my sexuality." Before I could ask what he meant he said something. "Hey let's get going we have a camping trip to get too!" He smiled then quickly started walking

"My cars that way." I said

He stopped then walked back to me and said "Yeah I don't know where you parked." I led him to my car then we drove to his house.

He gave me directions and we took the scenic route. He said there was a pretty field he wanted to see. When we were driving by the field he told me to stop. He got out and ran into the field. There must have been 15 different types of flowers. It was so beautiful. I could feel the nature in my veins it made me feel so energized. We ran to the part were a certain flower was growing. It was a purple flower. It looked like lavender but it wasn't. He turned to me and said.

"Can u pick some of those for me? My dads needs them for something." He asked

"Ummm sure" I responded with a puzzled expression. Why didn't he just pick them himself? Why did his dad need purple flowers? I blow off the questions in my mind and picked 7 of them. When I tried to hand them to him. He pulled his hands away quickly.
"Ummm here's the flowers just take 'em" I said.

"I uhh can't" he said stuttering

"What do you mean you can't take them? Just take the flowers!" I said started to get irritated.

"No just put them in the care and give them to my dad." He said continuing to stutter. He must be a germaphobe. That's the answer my mind gave for this situation. The flowers had dirt and he didn't want to touch them. That's probably it. Plus he was probably just embarrassed about being a germaphobe. I put them in the car and started driving to where he told me.

We got to his house and his dad was outside mowing the lawn. He had on Van Halen t-shirt that was covered in grass clippings. When we walked up I handed him the flowers. "Here your son said you need these flowers for some reason." I said holding them out to him.

"Oh yes let's me get my gloves for those. There are a very special yet dangerous to us. We're allergic and they give us these burns." He said reaching for his gloves.

That explains it. That's why Gabe wouldn't touch the flowers. He's allergic to them.

Gabe ran upstairs to his room and half way up the steps he told me to follow him. I went up the steps and walked into his room. The walls were green and he had a big comfy bed. It had black covers with white vintage cameras on them. On the night stand he had a clear white stone. It was about the size of my palm.

"What's this rock thing?" I asked grabbing the stone.

"It's called a moonstone. It's a family heirloom. My dad said it supposed to help this family when we are in need... or something like that." He responded

"So what is your family. Like what's your last name I mean." I said embarrassed at the weirdness of my question.

"Greyson. Gabriel Alexander Greyson. Please don't make fun of it." He said with a sigh.

"Make fun of what? It's a cool name." I said

"My initials.... G.A.G. My initials are gag." He said looking down and grumbling.

I broke into laughter, but only for a second then I tried to regather my composer. "So that's only with your middle name. Your normal initials are GG." I said hopefully.

"Yeah but still GAG really?! Oh well. Ok I'm all packed and ready to go. Are you ready?" He asked holding his camping gear.

"Hell yeah let's go I'm excited." I said with excitement

We made our way downstairs and he said goodbye to his dad. He shook my hand and told us to have fun then went back to mowing. We then got into the car and drove the 45 minute drive to the place where we camp. It wasn't a campground just place in the woods with a lake and waterfall near it. We set up our tents and waited for the others to get there. He said that he wanted to explore around. I said that the others would be here soon then I'd show him around. He said ok then sat on the long near me.

"So why am I here?" He asked

"Ummm I don't think I can tell you your purpose in life." I said

He giggled then responded "No I mean on this trip with you guys. I'm just a new kid. Isn't this like a sacred friend thing. Hell I could be a serial and you wouldn't know it."

"I thought you could use a friend. Plus I know you're not a serial killer. You just aren't that person. I can't see it in you." I said

"Well then what do you see in me?" He said with a smirk. God that smirk was so sexy. He was so hot.

"Give me your hands." I said. He put his hands out palms facing up. I put mine on top of his so our palms were touching. I then told him to close his eyes and I did the same. "You're a good person. You're also apart of something bigger then you know yet."

{I had always had that gift. My parents called it empathy but I always knew I was special. I could see people's lives. Whatever came to me really. Their past, their future, their fears. Whatever. It came to me in flashes like bright images.}

I saw him helping his father after his mother died. His father became depressed and Gabe brought him out of it. That's how I knew he was a good person. I saw that he was in the middle of a war between three powerful forces. Then I was cut off by wolves. Snarling growling and mashing their teeth at me. I quickly pulled my hands away from him. And I was gasping.

"What? What did you see?!" He asked very concerned and wide eyed.

"Wolves. There were wolves. Huge ones." I said.

"Well that's weird. Does that normally happen?" He asked.

"No but I don't know why I saw wolves. That's so weird. Nothing like that's ever happened to me." I said

"Well maybe it was nothing." He said standing up.

"Yeah it's nothing I mean it's not even normal for me to be able to do this. Haha but yeah." I said

"But how in the hell did you know all that stuff 'bout me?" He asked puzzled.

"It's a gift I've had ever since I was little. My parents said all Allen kids can do it. But I don't know." I said feeling like a freak.

I hope you guys liked Chapter two. If it doesn't make sense now it will later in the book. Don't forget to vote and comment. LUV Y'ALL


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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