Chapter Eight

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"I was told to bring you to see her." Yushiro told them with a hostile look.
'Who spit in his food?' (Y/n) thought as she pushed Nezuko behind her.
"I could’ve tracked you by scent."
"She’s in a place that’s under a cloaking spell. No way you could find it." Yushiro said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Cloaking?" The demon slayer duo asked.Yushiro rolled his eyes at the two and looked at Nezuko
"Anyway...isn’t that woman a demon?"
"Ahhh yes... She is." (Y/n) answered. Yushiro looked at the taller girl for a minute before speaking up again.
"And you are an eyesore to the booth. What a combination."
The three stayed silent for a minute.
'Eyesore? You are not much to look at either, slow down.' Was what (Y/n) wanted to tell him,but decided not to.
"Eyesore? Eyesore? Does he mean “ugly”? Who?"
Tanjiro looked over at who Yushiro was pointing only to grow mas

"Who in their right mind would call her an eyesore?! Just look at her beautiful features! See those bright green eyes! Nobody can compete to (Y/n)-chan's! And her smile puts the Sun to shame! She is a true beauty, our (Y/n)-chan! Right Nezuko?!"
Tanjiro yelled while pointing at the flustered girl along with Nezuko.
"Tanjiro-kun, Nezuko-chan enough you two..."
Yushiro rolled his eyes at the three and started walking away
"Let’s go."
The Kamados took (Y/n) by her hands and started walking after him.

"Sure, we’ll go, but still! No way is she an eyesore! Not on your life!"
'This bastard dares to insult (Y/n)-chan's beauty and honour! Might as well cut your head off!' Tanjiro thought while glaring at the demon boy.

Sometime later Tanjirou, (Y/n),Nezuko and Yushirou arrived in front of Tamayo’s hiding place.
'There is a demonic aura around the area... But where is the entrance?' (Y/n) thought while looking around.
"Oh, I know what it is! (Y/n)-chan hasn't smiled yet so you weren't able to see the full extent of her beauty!"
Said girl sweat dropped at that.
"Tanjiro-kun let it go please..."
The boy turned around and shook his head.
"No! He insulted you! I am not letting it go without him apologising!"
Nezuko nodded in agreement and started shaking the girl's arm.
While the trio was bickering, Yushiro looked around the area before walking into the wall and disappearing.
"Huh?! Where did he go?!" (Y/n) and Tanjiro asked at the same time.
Yushiro poked his head out of the wall and looked at them with a glare
"Hurry it up. While no one’s around."
Tanjiro pressed his hand against the wall and he felt himself slowly sinking into it.
Once the trio landed on the other side of the wall,they were shocked to see a large house. There was paper with red patterns is on the wall.
"There’s a house behind the dead end!" Tanjiro commented
"Get over here! Listen. Make sure you don’t offend that person in any way. Personally, I couldn’t care less what happens to you.But I brought you here because she insisted!" Yushiro told them in a annoyed manner. (Y/n) having enough of his attitude walked over the demon and put a hand on his shoulder.
"What do y-" he cut himself off once he noticed the dark aura and wide smile the girl had.
"Listen, I am very thankful to the lady for helping us, but one more bratty attitude towards Tanjiro-kun or Nezuko-chan and I will take my blade out. Got it?"
The boy gulped at her words and nodded. Soon after (Y/n) calmed down and they continued their walk.
'S-scary... But also pretty...'
Yushiro leads them into the house. He knocks on a door.
"Come in."They heard Tamayo's voice.
Yushirou, (Y/n), Tanjiro and Nezuko entered the room and saw Tamayo sitting on a chair next to the woman who was attacked earlier. The woman seemed to be doing well, at least better than before.
"I have returned."Yushiro announced
"Welcome back."
"We are sorry we left you to deal with that chaos earlier." (Y/n) told her with a small blush. Tamayo smiled at the girl before shaking her head.
"No need to apologize."
"How is the lady?",Tanjiro asked worried.
"She'll be just fine.Unfortunately, I have to keep her husband restrained in the basement."
"Isn’t treating human wounds unbearable for you?"
Yushiro was about to punch Tanjiro in the chest for that question, but another hand stopped him.
"I told you to stop acting like that."
"Who are you even?!" The green haired demon asked her.
"(L/n) (Y/n), are you bad with memories?" She asked bluntly, which seemed to anger the demon.
"Yushiro stop resorting to violence all the time. I am sorry for him Tanjiro-san." Tamayo said, sounding apologetic.
"Ah it is alright..."
'(Y/n)-chan...' Tanjiro thought while looking at the girl with a small blush.
"I never introduced myself, did I? My name is Tamayo. That boy is Yushiro. I hope that you’ll be his friend."
"Ah..." The three said while giving each other looks.
'I don’t think that’s gonna happen!' Tanjiro thought while sweat dropping.
'I rather fight one of those Upper moons than that...' Thought a dotted eyed (Y/n)
"It’s not that unbearable, you know.I believe it’s much easier for me than for normal demons. Because I’ve tweaked my body considerably.
I’ve also removed Kibutsuji’s curse.
Tanjirou"Tamyo explained to the two.
"Curse? What type of curse?"
"T-Tweaked your body?"
Tamayo,sighed and took off her doctor’s coat and walked towards a door.
"Come this way."
Tamayo escorted them into a tatami room. The two demon slayers sat down on one side. Nezuko decide to lay her head down on (Y/n)'s lap instead.
Smiling the girl patted her head.
"Are you tired? Lay down for now."
"Now then, allow me to continue. I adjusted our bodies so that we can live without devouring humans. A small amount of human blood is all we need."
"Ummm so does that mean..." (Y/n) started but the older demon interrupted her.
"You two may find it distasteful, but what I do is buy blood for transfusions from those unable to make ends meet. Of course, no more than would impair them."
'I see. So that’s why I’m not picking up that strange scent unique to demons from these two.' Tanjiro thought.
'Hmm explains why I didn't feel the same amount of uneasiness as around the demons from before.But they do need human blood after all. '
If blood is all they need, then... Nezuko…'
"Yushiro can get by with even less blood. I’m the one who turned him into a demon." Tamayo explained. This surprised the other two.
"Huh? You did that? But…"
(Y/n) decided to interrupt Tanjiro in his talk, she didn't want to deal with more of Yushiro's attitude.
"With all due respect Tamayo-sama, but we were told that Muzan can only turn humans into demons so we are confused now."
The lady nodded at the girl before speaking.
"And you’re right. It’s generally held that no one but Kibutsuji can reproduce demons. That’s more or less accurate. After more than 200 years, I was only able to transform Yushiro into a demon after all."
"Two… Two hundred years… You were only able to transform Yushirou after more than two hundred years?!
Exactly how old are you, Miss Tamayo?!"
Before (Y/n) could react Yushiro punched Tanjiro. The boy pulled away and (Y/n) checked his head for any injury.
"Everything looks fine to me."
"Gah! Thanks (Y/n)-chan..." Tanjiro smiled at her.
"Don’t ask a lady her age, you ill-mannered scoundrel!"
"Yushiro-san you are not someone to talk about manners. The first thing you told me was that I am an eyesore."
The demon blushed in embarrassment and looked away as he felt Tamayo's glare on him.
"Oh he did? I am so sorry (Y/n)-san."
She shifted her stare from Yushiro to Tamayo and gave her a reassuring smile.
"It's alright Tamayo-sama. It wasn't your fault after all."
"Yushiro you better apologise to (Y/n)-san."
"Sorry..." The demon said with a glare.
'She’s beautiful even when she’s angry!'
"There’s one thing I’d like to clear up with you two.I’m not trying to create more demons. I only perform the procedure on the terminally ill or those so gravely injured that they don’t have long left to live. And in those cases, I always ask them beforehand if they wish to live on even as demons."
'The aura she gives of is very warm and welcoming. She is saying the truth!'
While (Y/n) was taking in the surrounding, Tanjiro snifed the air a little.
'The scent she’s giving off is pure and devoid of deception. She’s someone I can trust.'
"Miss Tamayo, is there a way to return a transformed demon back to human form?" He asked, desperate for an answer.

While they were discussing, elswhere the two demons from before were searching the city for Tanjiro and (Y/n).
"Do you see anything?" One asked.
"I can see. I can see footprints. This is it. This is it."  The other said while pointing forward, the footprints becoming more and more visible.
"Make a huge turn over there. There are four of them!And one’s carrying some kind of big box."
"How should we kill them, I wonder.
Fufufu… I can feel the flow of power.
Because of all the blood he shared with me."
"Of course we’re going to slay them vindictively. But remmeber to leave the girl with the green haori alone."
"Yeah yeah..."

Back at the house.
"There is a way to turn a demon… back into a human." Tamayo stated. The two teens snapped their heads towards her, curious to hear the answer.
"Ah… Please tell me how!" Tanjiro said.
"Don’t you dare get so close to Lady Tamayo!" Yushiro told him, he was about to flip him over but (Y/n)'s glare stopped him.
"And don't you dare to hurt Tanjiro-kun every two minutes!"
(Y/n) pulled Tanjiro down to sit.
"I am sorry.Please tell me how." Tanjiro repeated calmly this time.
"For any kind of wound, there’s always some kind of medicine or treatment. At this time, I’m unable to turn a demon back into a human, but surely, that, too…However, we are dedicated to establishing such a method of treatment. Toward that end, I’d like to ask you two to do something for me."
"What is it Tamayo-sama?"
"To produce such an elixir, it is necessary to study the blood of numerous demons. I have two favors to ask you:
One, permission to study your sister’s blood.
Two, to retrieve blood samples from demons as closely related to Kibutsuji as possible.
Nezuko’s current condition is extremely rare and unique. I understand that she was asleep for two straight years, and I believe that her body underwent changes during that time. Normally, any demon who went that long without consuming flesh or blood of a human or beast would unquestionably go berserk."
The two listened closely to what the woman was saying.
Meanwhile Yushiro was on cloud nine listening to the older demon.
'Lady Tamayo is beautiful today, too!
I’m sure she’ll be beautiful again tomorrow! Can't say the same about the human girl...' Yushiro moved his attention to the nature breather, inspecting her a little more.
'Bleh! Such a plain girl in Lady Tamayo's presence! With that stupid loud mouth too!'
"And yet, surprisingly, Nezuko shows none of those signs. This miracle will be the key to finding a solution.
"Nezuko…",(Y/n) and Tanjiro said and looked down at the girl.
Tanjiro put his hand on her forehead which Nezuko took to nuzzle it..
"The other request I have for you is a harsh one. By “demons closely related to Kibutsuji”, I mean demons whose powers are more on par with that of Kibutsuji himself. It won’t be easy to extract blood from such demons.
Are you still willing to go along with my requests?"
"Umm by demons on par with him... Do you mean the 12 kizuki?" (Y/n) asked and Tamayo nodded.
"Yes. It will be hard, so I need you to understand what you are getting yourselves into."
"If there’s no other way, then I’ll do it.
If it means you’re going to research all these demons’ blood and create this medicine… If that happens, that means it won’t just be Nezuko. Lots of other people will be saved, too, right?"
"That’s right." Tamayo smiled at Tanjiro's words.
'Huh? The lovestruck demon isn't having jealousy tantrums?'
(Y/n) thought and looked to where he was, only to find him glaring at her.
"Is there something on my face?" She asked annoyed.
Yushiro snapped out of his thoughts and glared at her, a red color adoring his cheeks.
"Shut up you loud mouthed brat!"
"Says the demon who can't control hismelf for two minutes!"
Their arguing was interrupted by ball ripping through the patterned paper on the wall.
"Get down!" Yushiro yelled.
He stood up to protect Tamayo while Tanjiro protected (Y/n) and Nezuko. The balls go back toward the direction they came from.
"Fufufu… Did you decide how to kill them?"
"Vindictively, of course!"
Two voices were heard as they balls flew back again.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she finally sensed the two figures.
'Demons?! How didn't I sense them sooner?!'

💗I planned to make this chapter a little longer, but I saw the spoilers for this week Tokyo Revenger's chapter and lost motivation. I will try to update tonight.
Thank you for reading! Stay safe :]💗

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