Chapter Twenty-Four

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AN: So I saw there was confusion abt Y/N's and everyone else's age in the ff, so I will write it down.
Y/n, Zenitsu,Kanao and Aoi are 18 here.
Tanjiro and Inosuke are 17
And I aged Muichiro up too, he is 18 as well.
Hope this clears up the confusion.


"Takahashi-sama?" (Y/n) said again, not believing that this was real.
"What is wrong (Y/n)-chan? You look pale, hope you didn't get sick." The woman said in worry as she walked up closer to the girl.
'She is really here... I can't believe it...' (Y/n) started tearing up as she hugged the older woman, who returned the hug reluctantly.
"W-what is up with you?" Takahashi asked in worry as she heard the (h/c) girl's sobs.
"I missed you so much! I have to introduce you to Tanjiro and the rest! But I lost them on the station I fear." (Y/n) said as she let go of the older woman and started to look for the said boy.
"Who? (Y/n)-chan are you alright?"
"Oh that's right! I met him at Urokodaki-sama's place. By the way the man is really scary, how did you survive going on missions with him?" (Y/n) questioned as the older woman got even more confused.
"Urok...odaki? Who is that now? I don't know anyone with that name." Takahashi stated, now it being (Y/n)'s turn to be confused.
"What do you mean? Y-you sent me to train with him? You remember, the Demon slayer corps and all?"
"Demon? (Y/n)-chan please don't tell me you believe those fairytales. Demons aren't real, and I don't know what those Corps are or who that man is, but I am pretty sure you just had a strange dream." Takahashi explained.
'Dream? Was all that a dream? But Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke...they all felt so real. Even that fight Rengoku-san had-'
The girl felt Takahashi take her hand into hers and pull her towards the train.
"Come on now. We will be late, maybe you just need some rest after the ride is over." The older woman said as (Y/n) just mindlessly nodded her head.
'Maybe she is right. After all there are no such things as demons...'

With Zenitsu...
"Ahhh! Such a peaceful place!" Zenitsu exclaimed, smiling ear to ear as he laid down on the green grass. The sound of birds chirping, the movement of the grass and the calming smell of the flowers made the boy feel at peace. For the first time in a while he felt safe and relaxed, but one thought kept bugging him.
'Where are (Y/n)-chan and the rest?'
Sitting up, Zenitsu looked around the area in worry.
"Maybe I should go and look for them. (Y/n)-chan could be in danger-"
"Zenitsu-kun! I brought us tea and the orange pie you like so much!"
The boy froze in the spot as he heard the familiar voice calling out for him in the distance.
Slowly turning around, wide eyed, Zenitsu watched in shock as (Y/n) approached him with a tray with the tea and sweets. Smiling, the girl soon sat in front of him, putting the tray down as the boy just kept on looking at her with wide eyes .
"I made some green tea! I think it would go well with the flavor of the cake- Zenitsu-kun, are you alright?" (Y/N) eyed the boy in worry.
He shook his head and slowly closed his mouth, nodding rapidly.
"Y-yeah! It's just... You look beautiful in that yukata! The colors suit you!" Zenitsu said quickly, blushing a little from the embarrassment he felt.
'She really looks beautiful... I should look for more yukatas like this one...'
The blonde boy thought as he eyed the white yukata that was decorated with purple and pink flower patterns.

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