Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jisoo came and sat between her friends

Jennie- psst chu... "she whisper

Jisoo- *mouthed 'what' to her*

Jennie- did you completed your math Homework "whisper again*

Jisoo widened her eyes

Jisoo- 'shit' I forgot What sho--- "they stopped when Ms.IU Yell at both of them


Jisoo- M-mam a-a-actual-

Jisoo got cutted when Jennie spoke

Jennie- Mam actually we were discussing About the homework that you gave "she lied and Jisoo sigh in relief

Jisoo saw ms.IU stare at them up and down Before saying

Ms.IU- still you should focus on the class You can talk about that later

Jisoo- sorry mam while lowering her Head sat down back focusing on the Lecture now

*Time skip Lunch time*

Jisoo and Lisa were sitting on the table While Jennie went to buy lunch for them Three

Lisa- Hey chu, did you find anything About your brother?

Jisoo- Huh? Oh no Lisa I still couldn't Find anything about him

Lisa- Why don't just ask your grandma?

Jennie- Hey what are you two talking about? "she said while sitting on the table with her Trays*

Lisa- Oh its just I am asking about jisoo's Brother

Jennie- oh yeah chu did you find anything About him?

Jisoo-No "sad tone"

Jennie- did you ask grandma

Jisoo- I tried but she always say that he also Died in the car accident with our parents But I don't know why I feel like he is alive

Jisoo- I feel like he is alive because I feel like Grandma is hiding something from me so I just got curious

Jennie's POV

When jisoo said that her Grandma is hiding Something I just looked at Lisa and she did The same too we both looked eachother for A while because we know what thing her Grandma is hiding "sigh" and then looked back At jisoo

Jennie- Ah jisooyaa we should eat our lunch It's getting late for the classes *Said while trying to change the topic

Lisa- Yeah or else Mr.kang won't leave us

Jisoo-Yeah you're right "smiled"

And then we three dig in and started Eating our lunch After Finishing our Lunch and went to our classes

*After classes*

Jisoo-Guys are you guys coming to our 'Favorite place

Jennie- Yeah we will join you later you can Wait for us

Lisa- Yeah and also jisoo I bought new skates

Jisoo- Really? I will also try them

Lisa- of course why not

Jisoo- okay then see you guys later

Jennie+lisa- Yeah bye see you later *said while waving eachother*

Author pov~

Jisoo started walking to her home because her home is not far from the university and then her phone ringed

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