Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Author pov~

Jisoo- Is my brother still alive *scared And looked away*

Jisoo saw her grandma put her chopsticks Down and looked at her. *Jisoo gulped"

G/m- jisoo didn't I said no more discussion About this topic *Strict tone*


G/m- jisooyaa dear please just eat and go to sleep You have school tomorrow

Jisoo- But can you Atleast tell me my brother's Name you never said it once "puppy eyes"

G/m- your brother name is kookie *Said while started eating again*

Jisoo- Yahhh Grandma no not that one The real one you always said that name When I was small but I grew up now Please Grandma "puppy eyes*

G/m- No I can't say that *She said without looking at her*

Jisoo- But why?

G/m- I can't tell that too

Jisoo- Gran----

G/m- okay end of discussion and eat And go to sleep "clam tone"

Jisoo-Fineeee "sad face"

G/m's POV

I am really sorry jisoo. I can't really Tell you the reason of not telling you your Brother's Name. Try to understand my sweetheart. It's for your safety I hope you're Brother Is also safe with your parents "sigh*

(Author- confused right Well jisoo's parents Are also alive)

(Author- And jisoo's brother live with her Parents but her parents never said him About jisoo but somehow he got to know That he has sister And came here to find her)

Back to the story

*Magical time skip*

Next morning At school hallway

Jisoo were walking on hallway and she see That Jennie and Lisa was waiting for her infront of her locker. Jisoo smiled and Approach them

Jisoo- Hey Good morning

Jennie and Lisa turned around and smiled At jisoo and came near to her

Jennie+Lisa- Good morning chu~~

They both said at the same and hugged her. Jisoo hugged them back

Jennie- Hey guys did you hear?

Jisoo- what

Lisa- We hear that there are new students are joining today

Jisoo- Huh? In middle of the year

Jennie- That is why I was curious that Why are they Joining in the middle of the year

Lisa- Yeah I was curious about that too

Jisoo looked at her watch

Jisoo- Hey we are gonna be late if we didn't

Jisoo said and took her books from locker and again turned to them

Jisoo- Let's go

Lisa+Jennie- okay let's go

Said and started walking to your class But stop by hearing some girls screaming

Girl 1- Oppa your so handsome

Girl 2- I am ready to be your girlfriend oppa

Jisoo- what is going on there?

Jennie- don't let's go and see

Lisa-Yayy we have classes we are gonna be Late let's go

Jisoo and Jennie just nodded and went to there Classes

Jisoo entered to her class just to see that some were Going whispering about something but she didn't payed much attention and to her Respective seats not so soon she arrived Good morning students before we Start our we have new students here so plz Get in and introduce yourself

Teacher said and everyone looked at the door To see who are they

Jisoo-*eyes widened* Them?

Sorry for short chapter
Hope you like it ☺️❤️
I will update soon as possible 😸

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