Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Author pov~

three of them went to the middle of the frozen

Late and started skating

Jennie- jisoo, come on teach us the steps Plz

But jisoo got no response so she looked at her Only to see that she is focused on the skating

Jennie- Like always again lost in her skating

Lisa- Yeah she look beautiful while skating right? She said while admiring jisoo

Jennie- yeah you're right And now she will start. Her best steps look it's started. Jennie said while seeing jisoo going further with her closer to feel

Jennie+Lisa- she is really a ice princess They both looked at eachother and smile and then Again looked at back.

Jisoo POV~

Ahhh feeling refreshing this is the only Thing that realize my Stress I like to do This everyday just to feel that there is Someone who will be with me always I feel like this frozen lake is part of my Life with that I closed my eyes to feel The surrounding and go further and then Again opened my eyes and looked Around To see there is only me In this whole Frozen lake and then I started dancing In my own world

Author POV

Jisoo were lost in her own moving her Body as she want but that looks so amazing Just her own simple steps anyone can say That her expert in it But suddenly someone Pushed her that made jisoo fall down and Ruined her mode

Jennie and Lisa was smiling while seeing But they just widened there eyes because They saw her pushed by someone Jennie was boiling in anger to see the person who pushed her

Jennie-YAH YOU WHO DARE YOU PUSHED HER. she said ran to her and Lisa and behind to go to jisoo to see if she's okay

Jisoo POV

Jisoo closed her eyes thinking

Jisoo's mind- Please no not her again I was Enjoying my moment but AHHH.

Jisoo looked back at the person who

Pushed her and as excepted she is one Standing there smirking to her

Jisoo mind - Huh I just what to punch m That ugly face.

Then she heard Jennie yell at while running Towards jisoo.

While Lisa came towards jisoo and helped her to stand while Jennie went towards jisoo's bully and hold her by her collar yelling


Jisoo eyes widened

Jisoo mind- Oh no she is not gonna punch Her right

Jennie was about To punch her but 

Jisoo ran to Jennie and hold her hand Before she punch her

Jisoo- Jennie please stop it. I don't want to start the Fight now please "pleading voice* jisoo saw Jennie clam down and she Puts her hand down.

Jisoo-And you Tzuyu please can't you just Leave us alone

(Tzuyu the one and only jisoo's bully she Bullies when jisoo is alone because of Jennie and Lisa she never got a chance To Jisoo)

(No hate to tzuyu and also she is my bias)

Tzuyu- Huh! Bith got saved today because of them but next you won't *She smirked walked away*

Jisoo looked at Jennie and Lisa was calming Her down jisoo sigh and went towards her

Jennie- Jisoo why did you let her go Lisa leave I won't leave her. She said and about to go But stopped by jisoo

Jisoo-Jennie please leave her and please don't Get in trouble because of me

Jennie- don't say like that you're my bestfriend I can do anything for you.

Jisoo- Awww thanks bestie but still promise Me that you won't fight again Said while showing her pinky finger

Jennie- bu---

Jisoo-No buts promise me

Jennie- "sigh" Fine I promise you I won't fight Again

Said while attaching jisoo's pinky with her and both smiled to eachother

Lisa-Yah did you guys forget me

Jisoo+Jennie- Obviously not we are besties Forever. Said and did a group hug

(Sorry that I can't include rosè in this ff)

But little did jisoo know there is someone Watching her from far with his proud smile

???'s POV

???- She is still the same thinking about Others rather than herself "sigh" but I am Glad that they both are taking care of my

Jisoo: "smiled"

Said while he saw her and hugging her besties And laughing

(Author-well bubbles you will get to know About him very soon till then let's Continue😉)

Jisoo's POV

Jisoo- Guys it's getting late grandma will Be worried about me I should get going now

Jennie- Oh yah we should also go so let's Meet tomorrow at clg

Lisa- okay Jisoo bye meet you tomorrow

Jisoo-Yeah! Bye guys

Said started walking to her house while Waving at eachother

"time skip"

At home

Jisoo- I'm home "yelled"

G/m- I'm in kitchen dear "yelled back*

Jisoo went to kitchen and Saw her grandma Cooking so she back hugged her

Jisoo- What are you cooking grandma ?

G/m- Well it's your favorite food. After hearing her eyes light up

Jisoo- kimchi and chicken "excited and yelled"

G/m- slow down my ears!!

She said while covering her own ears. Jisoo just Giggle and hugged her grandma tightly.

Jisoo- Thank you grandma you're the best grandma Ever said and kissed her cheek

G/m- OK ok now stop it

G/m-  now go and sit I while serve The food


Jisoo ran and sat on the dining table waiting For the food.

After few minutes

While eating jisoo asked grandma something Unexpected to her that Cause her to choke Her food.

Jisoo-U-umm grandma

Her grandma just hummed in response While eating without looking at up.

Jisoo-grandma Can I ask you something? *Nervous*

G/m-huh what is it dear? Looked at jisoo

Jisoo-promise me you will tell truth

G/m- I can't promise you dear sorry

Jisoo- Grandma please

G/m- First tell me what is it then I will Think

Jisoo- ok here we go "scared" I-  my brother Still alive? "Looking away*


Hope you guys enjoyed it 🥰

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