Chapter 5

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Author pov-

Jisoo- *Eyes widened* Them?

She can't believe what she saw.

Jisoo pov:- they are the same Person that I met yesterday Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook

She can't believe that she again met jisoo were just staring at Taehyung.

Jisoo- Woahhh he's looking more handsome than Yesterday "blushed"

Jennie's POV

When the three boys entered the class I couldn't Believe what I was seeing is real or not

Jennie's mind- No this can't be happening. say Me this is not real what are they even doing here I hope they won't recognize me and Lisa.

Meanwhile Lisa

she isn't even Interested to look up at them She was busy writing down something.

Author POV

Then they entered the classroom while jimin Was smiling at everyone bit Taehyung and Jungkook just kept there hands in the pocket While walking in with the cold face

Jimin- Hello I am jimin I hope we can get along *smiled at everyone"

The students just smile At jimin while some girls were staring at him And the students just looked at Taehyung

Tae- I am Taehyung *cold*

When Taehyung said this, some girls just Scream That made jisoo snapped out of her thoughts and looked at girls a bit Jealous and Taehyung just rolled his Eyes

It's turn of Jungkook at her at him waiting For him to introduce himself but he just kept Silence looking somewhere else

Jisoo frowned her eyes And then she Remember something that jimin told her That he not talk much And jisoo look back At Jimin Just to see him waving his hand To her. She smiled and waved back

Jimin-  *clear his throat* Umm Jungkook Jungkook turned to him and then to the class

Jk-Jungkook cold tone*

The went silent for a minute and the girls Started whispering something and Jisoo heard That two girls were talking infront of her

Girl 1- Hey they all are so handsome I want His girlfriend "pointing to jimin*

Girl 2- and u want to be his "pointing to jk"

Then she heard tzuyu saying something to her bestfriend Sucy.

Tzuyu- And he will be mine *smirk*

She said looking at Taehyung making jisoo Eyes widened

Jisoo mind- What No this can't be happening Tae is min--... Jisoo what are you Saying how can he be yours? "sigh"

But if he can't be mine but still he won't deserve tzuyu she is too cruel

Ms.IU- okay You may sit at the back of that three girls over there she said looking at jisoo's Direction

Jisoo just turned around to see three empty seats Behind her

Jisoo's mind- Don't tell me they are gonna sit Behind us Ohhh Noo my heart gonna explode If they sit Behind me.

Then she saw They started walking towards her Direction Jimin was always smiling at her then she see Taehyung He is staring at her.

Jisoo felt nervous under his stare so she looked Away that made Taehyung smirk.

There she go they came and sat Behind her And Taehyung just behind her and she can Tell he is just staring at her back continuously And Jimin is behind Jennie and Jungkook Behind Lisa.

Jimin-Hello jisoo!!!

Jisoo snapped out of her thoughts when he Called her.

Jisoo- Huh? Yeah Hiii

Jennie looked at jisoo shocked And she looked At her confused  'why is looking shocked' she thought

Jimin-We meet again "smiled"

Jisoo looked at him and smiled back

Jisoo- Yeahhhh

Jennie's POV-

So these are the three boys who Jisoo was Talking about Yesterday WAIT did they Recognize her I don't think so Then I looked back And saw Jimin the prince's Bestfriends .

(Yeah Taehyung is the prince and Jimin and Jungkook is his best friends)

I wonder Why Jungkook is here I think he came to her find His sister which is Jisoo but wait how did he get to Know that he has a sister I think he doesn't know He just came here with his friends yeah and I Looked at Jungkook to see him lost in his own World and then at Lisa she was writing something I think she didn't see Jungkook if she saw then she will be fainted here because------


Let me say one thing that in this story my ship is

Main ship: Vsoo
Side ships: Jenmin
                      : Liskook

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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