I'm Half Doomed and You're Semi-Sweet

146 6 11

CW - Body Horror, Blood, Smoking, Unsafe Binding,

The remainder of our afternoon had been eventful. We heard thumping around below deck, so once Mister Avdol, Polnareff and Mister Joestar had returned, Jotaro informed us he was going to investigate. It was quiet for a while on top deck until the freighter began to — quite literally — absorb us. The crushing feeling of the ships walls around my body made me panic. With a lack of energy, after almost two days without sleep or food, I didn't have the strength to summon my stand, none of us did. With all my strength I battled the two minutes of hell. I coughed blood, Mister Joestar looked defeated, Polnareff as though he were about to cry. After everything, I couldn't imagine it'd end like this, not us, not now. And sure enough I was right. The ship suddenly let go of its grip on us. I fell on my face, gasping for air. As I struggled to get to my feet I noticed the floor was trembling.

"It's going down, we have to get back to the life boats!" Mister Joestar called. As much as I hated those things, I wasn't about to spend another minute on this hell ship. I pushed myself to my feet.

"Where is Jotaro and the others?" Avdol called out.

"Right here!" Called a voice. Jotaro emerged from below deck, pulling the girl along with him by her hand. She was soaking wet, and carried her shoes in her other hand.

"Where's the crew?" Mister Joestar called.

"Dead." Jotaro replied, passing the girl off to his grandfather. Mister Joestar groaned painfully before helping the girl into the lifeboat. There was no time for questions, we all followed suit, one by one back into the lifeboat, and just in time too.

As the sun set over the horizon, we were once again setting off. We watched in awe as the ship crumbled from a safe distance. Our second shipwreck in 24 hours, what a thrill. I sat miserably in the lifeboat. Jotaro sat beside me trying to light a cigarette, cursing at the fact that there were soaked with blood and wouldn't light. His left shoulder had a deep gash. His school jacket was soaked and tied tightly around the wound. He wasn't getting any wetter, nor had he passed out yet so it was safe to assume it had clotted.

"We should reach Singapore just as the sun is coming up." Mister Joestar said as he observed the mal and Jotaro's pocket compass. "Then we can get some rest, something to eat, and this one can return to her father." He pointed at the girl. She didn't look excited, but that was understandable.

Another sleepless night lead us to the harbour. Nobody was around to check out passports, we just wandered ashore as if we can just pulled up in a yacht. It felt incredible to touch dry land again. "Okay, let's get checked into a hotel, grab some breakfast and then we'll get you back to your dad, okay?" Mister Joestar said to the girl.

"I'm not meeting my dad for five days." She said with a frown. Mister Joestar sighed deeply. "Okay, let's just get to the hotel then." There was a nice hotel just by the water, we headed straight for it. I heard Mister Joestar tell the girl that we weren't even planning on being in Singapore for five days. She was silently smug.

We weren't able to get rooms together because of limited space, but we decided that having two to a room would be the safest option if we couldn't all be side by side. Mister Joestar and Mister Avdol had a room, Jotaro and I in another. Which left Polnareff and the girl in the third. We all thought about this for a second. "I'm, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this arrangement." Polnareff said sheepishly.

"Yeah, it's best the girl gets her own room. But we'll have someone check on her often to make sure she's safe." Mister Joestar replied. "We'll take four rooms. Two doubles, two singles." He said to the concierge.

"Oh! And can we access the buffet breakfast right away or so we have to wait until tomorrow?" Polnareff chimed in.

"Breakfast is available for all guests until 10am." The concierge smiled. Polnareff threw his fist in the air in excitement. Once we got our keys, we dumped whatever gear we had in our rooms. I put my passport in the safe. Mister Joestar met us in our room with the first aid kid to take a look at Jotaro's shoulder.

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