You Should Know That the Lies Won't Hide Your Flaws

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CW - Swearing, Blood, Unsafe Binding.

We returned to quite the scene. As we walked back up to our hotel, we saw a collection of police cars, all with their lights flashing, some with sirens on. Jotaro and I jogged up to the door, police officers were standing guard outside.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Jotaro asked.

The officer had his arms crossed. "Nothing to see here gents, move along." Jotaro opened his mouth to speak again. "Did ya hear me, punk? Move along!" Jotaro narrowed his eyes, he put his clenched fists in his jacket pockets.

"Sorry, officer. We are guests at the hotel. We're just wondering what the situation is. Is it safe to go in?" I spoke up. Jotaro getting a police officer in a chokehold was going to get us nowhere.

The man shook his head. "Nah, two men found dead, obviously murdered inside. One civilian, one hotel staff member."

"Oh shit." I hissed. This was bad. We leave for less than ten minutes and the chaos starts up again. My breakfast hadn't even fully digested. Why wouldn't DIO just give us a break?

"Staff member?" Jotaro said to me in Japanese. I was thinking the same thing. If there was a Stand attack, why was it going after people who worked at the hotel?

"Everyone has been evacuated, there is an assembly point around the back. Head over there." The police officer directed us. I thanked him before Jotaro and I ran around the back of the hotel. We weaved through guests and staff members alike. Many of whom were shaken by the events that had unfolded. I spotted the gang and lead Jotaro in their direction.

"I don't see Polnareff," Jotaro said. He was right, he wasn't there.

"Oh shit, do you think..." I trailed off. I wasn't sure what I thought had happened, but Polnareff not being with the rest of the guys was a bad sign.

"There you are!" Mister Joestar snapped. "Where have you boys been?"

"Take it easy, we were gone for like ten minutes." Jotaro scowled.

"DIO's goons can strike at any moment. You've got to be more cautious." Avdol added.

"Where's Polnareff?" I asked, a touch of panic in the back of my voice.

Mister Joestar put his hands on his hips and exhaled deeply through his nose. "In the back of one of those cop cars I imagine." He said as he shook his head. "Luckily, one of the murdered victims was an enemy stand user, but the other was an innocent hotel worker who got caught up in this mess. his mutilated body was found in Polnareff's room. So old JP will be in the dog-house tonight."

I sucked in, "This, really isn't good news."

Mister Joestar shook his head. "No, it's not. We are probably going to be stuck in Singapore for an extra day or two because of this. I've got some lawyers from the Speedwagon Foundation on their way over as we speak. There is no real evidence tying Polnareff to any of this. The body was in his room, sure, but there is no motive, no weapon, no DNA on the body. With a little sweet talking and a generous sum, we should be jet setting in no time."

"I sure hope so," Jotaro muttered. I could see he was worried. This was his mother's life at stake, he obviously didn't want to waste any time.

Later on, afternoon, the hotel was declared safe and all staff and guests were allowed to return to their post. Mister Joestar and Mister Avdol went down to the police station to sort things out with Polnareff after they got the call that the Speedwagon Foundation lawyers had landed. We were told to sit tight in the hotel, not to go anywhere and keep an eye on the girl.

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