a confession plan (appledash)

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Applebloom and scootaloo, the only inhabitants of the crusaders clubhouse were waiting impatiently for the third member of their little club to join them, the fillies were in a deep discussion on what caused sweetibell to be so behind hand

"Maybe she got lost in the way" applebloom wondered, one of the many possibilities of the matter.

"Or captured by a giant dragon monster" scootaloo added another to the list.

"Or maybe she's sick!"

That's when the clubhouse door burst open and there she was, the object of thier deep conversation, sweetiebell! with a mysterious grin on her face. The other two looked up, then smiled at her, welcoming thier best friend.

"I have something to tell you both" Sweetiebell announced, her grin never leaving her lips.

"I secretly read rarity's dairy and I saw this!" She levitated a book from her saddlebag, flipping the pages hurriedly till she found the entry she was looking for. Her green aura flowed around the book as she passed it to the others to read the text written in rarity's neat and beautiful hoofwriting.

Dearest dairy

I must fill in all about the love lives of my two best friends for this news is simply too good to hold back. I have been noticing the way they have been acting around each other for quite sometime now, and I am certain of the fact, applejack and rainbowdash are developing quite the spark for each other. I have witnessed them sharing longing, loving gazes from time to time, and those warm heartmelting smiles they pass, not to mention the amout of time they blush around each other, and this has spoken everything there is to know. I have always been able to pick up on sighs of love and drama of romance from afar, and this circumstance is no exception. thier behaviours makes it so painfully obvious, that it could convince anypony they have a crush...even though they are not convinced theselves. Applejack and rainbowdash's constant denial of the fact makes me wonder if those poor ponies know they have a crush themselves, oh! The drama! But they'll figure it out soon enough, it's only a matter of time.
Though I still am rather surprised to see two ponies, who used to bicker like small foles over every  silly little thing, are actually agreeing with each other and spending quality time togather, which does not involve pulling pranks and such...most of the times, still it highly amazes me how they have finally grown to care about each other, and it's rather cute if you'd ask me. Why, I have wanted this to happen since the beginning of time, long have I looked upon them and spoken to myself "those two are destined to be togather", and I can't be more exited to see it finally happening, just look at how much they both have in common, they are both very persistent, atheletic and competive, and their tragic fashion sence...which doesn't bother them at all...yes! They are very alike and if they both stop argueing for just a moment and get to know one another well, they will make the most romantic couple seen in the histry to romance.
I can already imagine those two in their future weding dresses...speaking of which, I have recently sketched out a few desings for some new wedding dress and tuxedos that we shall need for their big day in the future, thought I'm not quite certian who will be in the wedding dress and who will have the tux but I'm sure I'll figure it out by the time we actually reach their wedding day. Something tells me that day isn't too long in the future! Oh the suspence...though, I'm afraid I can't fill in any more details about the matter for I must get back to work, but I'll make sure to return to you later in the evening my dear dairy,

Your lovely rarity

"oh my gosh! I never even thought of them untill now...guess that explains why rainbowdash comes to sweet Apple acers so often." Sweetiebell chuckled, smiling so wide her cheeks were close to tear apart from the pressure on the corners of her mouth.

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