1: Wandanat headcanons

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Peter: Nat?
Natasha: What's up Peter?
Peter: Wanda?
Peter: Do you want to have babies?
Wanda: Yes!
Natasha: No!
Wanda: But-
Natasha: You know it's anatomically impossible and kids are stressing as fuck. Besides, why would I want babies when I have the babiest as my girlfriend?
Wanda: Oh Nat *blushes*

Natasha: I am going to kill whoever took my jacket
Wanda: Sorry I took it
Natasha: Oh that's fine, I wouldn't want you getting cold
Steve: And they have the audacity to say they're not in love

Yelena: Hey what do bees make?
Natasha: Honey...
Wanda: Yes, dear?
Natasha: That's my wife alright
Yelena *smiling: Works every time

(not romantic)
Wanda: I wish I had the ability to make boys nervous
Natasha: Holding a knife to their throat usually works for me

Natasha: So what's your type?
Wanda: Kind, redhead, dumb but with a good sense of humour
Natasha: Cool, kinda sounds like me. Too bad I'm not a guy
Wanda: Did I mention dumb?
Natasha: Yeah
Wanda: Just asking

Wanda: Natasha muttering in Russian when she's upset is one thing
Clint: What's another?
Wanda: But today she yelled at me in Spanish and I'm afraid the whole Spanish Inquisition is happening all over again.

Steve: So what's it like dating Natasha?
Wanda: Once, I asked Nat to bring me some water while she was pissed at me. She brought me a glass full of ice and told me to 'wait'

Wanda: I don't date women
Natasha: *walks in*
Wanda: I marry them

Wanda: Due to personal reasons I will be sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box
Clint: Natasha said 'I love you' and you said 'thanks' didn't you?
Wanda: ...The reasons are personal

Steve: What's going on?
Natasha: It's not a big deal

Bucky: Nobody's perfect
Wanda: Since when are we calling Natasha nobody?

Natasha: I don't like it
Wanda: You don't like anything
Natasha: I like sleep and you

(Endgame scene)
Natasha: Let me go
Wanda: I can't

Natasha: What are you doing?
Wanda: *standing on a chair* I live in this tower too you know. I can stand wherever I want thank you very much.
Natasha: Where's the spider?
Wanda: It's under the table. Please get it for me, please.

Wanda: Nat, I did something terrible
Natasha: It's okay, I have a shovel
Wanda: Wait, what? What do you think I did?
Natasha: It doesn't matter, no one will know

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