5: April Fools (Supercorp)

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AN: Sorry for taking so long on my update, life has been beating me up. I've recently gotten into Supergirl and Supercorp is one of my favourite ships so here's a oneshot for them. 

Another day brought another visit from Kara to L-Corp. Or more specifically to Lena Luthor. The two had grown quite close over the time since Lena had arrived in National City. Kara was thankful that she had walked into that office with Clark or she may never have become friends with the young CEO.

"Kara! To what do I owe this pleasant surprise," Lena greeted as she walked over to her best friend. The two shared a hug before Lena looks down at what is in Kara's hand. "Is that Big Belly Burger and doughnuts?"
"Yep, I thought you would be hungry considering how much work you've been doing." Kara adjusted her glasses as she spoke, nervous as always around L-Corp's CEO.
Lena chuckled. "Yeah, I'm afraid I've been a little busy. Come on, let's eat."

Kara munched happily on her second burger as she listened to Lena talk about her company's latest projects. Because she was a part of the science guild when she was on Krypton, Kara Zor-El knew exactly what her best friend was talking about. Kara Danvers, however, was not an expert in science or technology and was clueless.

"I'm sorry," Lena said jolting Kara out of her slight daze.
"What are you sorry for?" the blonde replied, her worried crinkle starting to show.
"Here I am going on about work and I haven't even asked what's going on with you. It's been a while since we last talked."
Kara opened her mouth to protest but stopped at the sight of Lena's raised eyebrow. What Lena said was true, they hadn't been able to talk in over a month, not just because of work but also because it was getting harder and harder for Kara to keep her true identity from the one person in the universe she loved almost as much as Alex. It was a different kind of love though. Kara loves Alex as sisters but with Lena, it was... romantic. 

Her mind drifted back to a conversation with Winn a few years ago, on the rooftop of Catco. When she came out to him as Supergirl. When he thought she was gay. Then when Alex came out to her as gay. Kara had been questioning her own identity ever since. She came to the conclusion she was pansexual but the only reason she really discovered it was because of Lena. Since they first met there have been lingering gazes, lots of visits, hugs and the heart eyes that Alex so kindly pointed out to her after a game night.

"Kara?" Lena asked snapping her fingers in front of Kara's face. Shaking her head slightly, Kara looked up at shining green eyes that were filled with worry.
"Huh, yeah, what were you saying?" Kara asked.
"I just asked what's been going on with you... are you okay?" Lena asked.
"Yes, I'm fine, just so hungry." Kara rubbed her stomach a bit to prove her point and Lena passed her a doughnut.
"So, are you going to answer my question or..."
"Right, well, Snapper has given me my own column dedicated to food so I get to go around to different restaurants and eat their food for free."
"Wow, that's amazing. Just make sure you don't get fat."
Kara let out a loud laugh. "Never." She looked up at Lena, gazing into her green eyes.

Mere moments passed in what felt like hours to the two before a ping came from Kara's phone. She glanced at it and saw it was from Alex, also catching the word 'DEO'.
"Ugh, it's Snapper, I have to get back to work," she lied.
"Oh, that's no problem. I hope we can do this again soon," Lena said giving Kara a hug. She leaned in so her mouth was next to Kara's ear. "You're Supergirl."
The Kryptonian took a fumbling step back and stuttered, "W-what are you talking about. I-I'm not-"
"Oh my god, your face," Lena broke out into laughter. "April Fools, Kara! It's the first of April."
Kara took a deep breath and put on her cheesy grin. "Haha, you got me. I will get my revenge next year then."
"Sorry, dear, but you can't beat a Luthor."
The blonde opened her mouth in mock offense, "I can so beat you in some things."
"Name one."
"Eating competition."
"Point Kara. I can beat you in chess."
"Point Lena. I can beat you in... a race."
"Are you sure about that? What about a typing race?"
"You are on."
"Winner chooses the prize."

"Oh come on! Did you cheat?" Kara exclaimed looking at the brunette in surprise. 
"I did not cheat. How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" Lena joked.
Kara groaned. "Ugh, what do you choose as your prize?"
Lena bit her lip and looked at Kara with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about a kiss?"
Though she was slightly taken aback, the blonde let out a small nod. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against Lena's softly and lovingly. When they both pulled away, they were enveloped in comfortable silence.
"I love you, Lena. I always have," Kara eventually let out.
"I love you too, Kara," Lena said before stealing another kiss.

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