2: Riverdale ships

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A/N: I promise some oneshots soon, I just need to get these opinions out of my system after the horrifying Season 5 finale. The same will be done for Riordanverse and Marvel. Sorry if this is a bit long. WARNING: SEASON 5 SPOILERS

Ships: Elizabeth (Betty) Cooper x Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead)
Opinion: SHIP!!!! I hate the writers for taking them away. They are perfect for each other and have such similar interests like, WHY TAKE THEM AWAY?!

Ships: Veronica Lodge x Archie Andrews
Opinion: I ship them but not a lot. I feel like Veronica kinda took advantage of him and it would be nice to see Archie with another love interest (not Betty).

Ships: Cheryl Blossom x G+Antoinette (Toni) Topaz
Opinion: SHIP! SHIP! SHIP! We need more LGBTQ+ representation and they literally took away the only two we had. CHONI FOREVER!

Ships: Kevin Keller x Fangs Fogarty
Opinion: They were made for each other. No need to take them away. And they were supposed to have a happy family *tears up*

Ships: Elizabeth (Betty) Cooper x Archie Andrews
Opinion: As a Bughead shipper: NO! If Veronica and Jughead were non-existent then maybe but the writers wasted the possible friend dynamic and gave us... this.

Ships: Veronica Lodge x Reginald (Reggie) Mantle
Opinion: Honestly, this ship is not too bad. Similarly to Bughead, they have similar interests (business) and wouldn't be bad as a couple.

Ships: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead) x Tabitha Tate
Opinion: BUGHEAD FOREVER. Even if I am a Bughead shipper though, Jughead and Tabitha could have had a good relationship if it wasn't so forced.

Ships: Cheryl Blossom x Minerva Marble
Opinion: No. No. No. Choni endgame! They have a shared interest (art) but it feels like Minerva is using Cheryl and I do not like that.

Ships: Fangs Fogarty x Antoinette (Toni) Topaz
Opinion: Absolutely not. Toni literally said that Fangs is like family to her and here they are in a relationship now?! Musical episode kisses were CHONI'S thing. Not Fopaz.

Ships: Archie Andrews x Cheryl Blossom
Opinion: Ahem, no. Have absolutely no chemistry and are far better off as friends.

Ships: Archie Andrews x Reginald (Reggie) Mantle
Opinion: Nope, way too much history of bad blood (TSwift4eva) and fought over Veronica like she was an object which I didn't like.

Ships: Archie Andrews x Josie McCoy
Opinion: Not actually that bad for this one. Both shared a passion for music and they did have chemistry.

Ships: Elizabeth (Betty) Cooper x Reginald (Reggie) Mantle
Opinion: They grew up together in Riverdale but they have no chemistry and nothing in common. #bugheadendgame

Ships: Elizabeth (Betty) Cooper x Veronica Lodge
Opinion: Honestly wouldn't be that bad if Bughead didn't exist. That's it, that's the opinion.

Ships: Cheryl Blossom x Veronica Lodge
Opinion: No, they are far better off as friends and/or business associates

Ships: Cheryl Blossom x Josie McCoy
Opinion: Eheh, no. Pig's heart was the dealbreaker. Choni is way better.

Ships: Chuck Clayton x Josie McCoy
Opinion: They had that one half-date but no I don't ship them.

Ships: Cheryl Blossom x Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead)
Opinion: No. Just no. If the writers allow it, they would be better off as friends

Ships: FP Jones x Alice Cooper
Opinion: Yes, yes, yes. High school sweethearts (not really sweethearts) reunited. Plus their kids are together so extra points. Where was FP in Season 5???

Ships: Fangs Forgarty x Jughead Jones
Opinion: No. Where this ship came from, I have no idea but they are better as friends.

Ships: Fangs Fogarty x Midge Klump
Opinion: I don't think there is much to base this ship from because they shared like, one scene.

Ships: FP Jones x Hermione Lodge
Opinion: They were like, semi-canon, last time I checked but they are far too different. Also, FALICE!

Ships: Fred Andrews x FP Jones
Opinion: I just checked and this is one of the most popular Parentdale ships along with Falice. Because I never heard of this ship, no opinion.

Ships: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead) x Archie Andrews
Opinion: Better off as friends.

Ships: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead) x Veronica Lodge
Opinion: Uhh, no. 1) Bughead 2) Varchie 3) No chemistry

Ships: Joaquin DeSantos x Kevin Keller
Opinion: They were actually kinda cool together but the Joaquin started using Kevin and that wasn't cool.

Ships: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III x Antoinette (Toni) Topaz
Opinion: Eh, no. Better off as friends. 

Ships: Josie McCoy x Valerie Brown
Opinion: Uhhh, after the events of Season 5, I'm saying no. 

Ships: Forsythe Pendleton Jones III (Jughead) x Sweetpea
Opinion: No, just no. Better of as friends or rivals or whatever they are.

Ships: Kevin Keller x Moose Mason
Opinion: They were good together but I think Kangs is better

Ships: Veronica Lodge x Antoinette (Toni) Topaz
Opinion: Let's keep 'em as friends, shall we?

Ships: Josie McCoy x Midge Klump
Opinion: They didn't have much screentime together so I'm staying neutral.

Ships: Josie McCoy x Reginald (Reggie) Mantle
Opinion: They would actually be okay together.

Ships: Josie McCoy x Antoinette (Toni) Topaz
Opinion: No. 1) Choni is supreme 2) They have no chemistry.

Ships: Midge Klump x Reginald (Reggie) Mantle
Opinion: Not really. Otherwise, no comment.

Ships: Reginald (Reggie) Mantle
Opinion: Umm, no. Too much bad blood.

Ships: Sweetpea x Veronica Lodge
Opinion: They hardly got any screentime together so I can't ship it or not ship it. 

Ships: Sweetpea x Josie McCoy
Opinion: Yeah, I ship it. Not majorly but I like them together though I do think Sweetpea is a bit... needy when it comes to this relationship.

Ships: Tabitha Tate x Veronica Lodge
Opinion: I think they're better as friends or associates.

Ships: Valerie Brown x Archie Andrews
Opinion: They were actually a good couple. But I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Ships: Veronica Lodge x Josie McCoy
Opinion: Nah, I don't ship them

AN: Oneshots coming after the Marvel and Riordanverse version of this

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