4: Four Options (Varchie)

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AN: So sorry for a late update, life has been super hectic. Okay, so it has occurred to me that people are actually reading this which is surprising but it would be much appreciated if I had some suggestions. Soooo leave them in the comments or message me with your ideas and remember to vote. I saw this for a different couple somewhere (sorry I can't remember where exactly) and had to use it. Enjoy!

'Oh, great' Archie thought as he changed out of his fireman gear and looked at the clock on the wall. He and Veronica were supposed to be having an at-home dinner date that night. After staying late at Riverdale High, his trip home had been interrupted with never of a fire in an old abandoned warehouse. While it had been abandoned, they couldn't risk the fire spreading to the rest of the town. That would mean more of Riverdale to rebuild and more money being used to build it.

Taking the jangling keys out of his jacket pocket, Archie unlocked the door to his house. "Veronica," he called out, expecting to hear an angry response from her. Clearly, she had been on the first floor because she came down the stairs and gave her boyfriend a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Archie accepted the affection but was also slightly confused. Wasn't Veronica mad that he had missed their date?
Noticing Archie's eyebrows scrunch together in thought, Veronica gave a slight chuckle. She led the confused redhead into the dining room which was home to an empty dining table. "You're wondering why I'm not angry and why there's no food," she guessed as she sat down in a chair. "Am I right, Archiekins?"
Archie grimaced slightly, taking a seat opposite Veronica. "Well, yeah," he said scratching his head trying to think of a reason for it. "Wait are you breaking up with me?" the army veteran asked in a scared tone. 
Veronica laughed. "No, I'm not breaking up with you. I'm a Lodge, can't get rid of me that easily." She winked before continuing. "I've accepted that you will be late because of your self-appointed 'duty to protect Riverdale' and all so I've developed a system of some sort."
He sighed in relief and leaned forward in his chair. "I'm listening."
"Four options," Veronica explained. "If you come home late, you have four options: One, we just go to bed and sleep because we're tired. Two, we go to be and, uh, you know..." she trailed off, biting her lip and hoping/knowing Archie understood what she meant. "Three, we order food and watch Netflix or something. And four, we sit down and you unload any and all stress onto me and I'll try my best to help."
Archie listened attentively, smiling at the fact Veronica had come up with this, and for him. "That sounds great, Ronnie. Thank you."
Veronica smiled back at Archie. "So which option are you taking tonight," she asked.
Yawning a bit, Veronica's ginger knight sleepily said, "How about one."
She agreed and followed him upstairs to his bedroom where the two quickly fell asleep in each other's arms.

A couple of weeks passed until Archie was late again. This time, it had been a fire near the town hall. He couldn't exactly let that burn down. He walked into his house to find Veronica waiting on the couch. "Ronnie, I'm so sorry. There was a fire and-"
"Four options, remember Archiekins?" Veronica said cutting him off.
"Let's go with three. I'm starving."
"You always are."

Months passed and the system was working perfectly for the couple. Whenever Archie was held up late because of his duties, he would pick an option and they would do whatever it corresponded to. Of course, option four had led to some emotional and real conversations. Nothing they couldn't get through together. It wasn't until after eight months of using the system that both of them had to realise there was an altercation to be made.
Veronica had been held up late due to many business meetings and rushed into the house where Archie was watching TV. He looked up from the screen upon seeing his girlfriend enter. "Hey, Ronnie."
"Archie, I'm so sorry. There was so much stuff that needed to be sorted out for the store and meetings ran late and-"
"Veronica, relax. It's okay." Archie stood up and put his hands on Veronica's shoulders when an idea came to mind. "Four options."
Though she was slightly taken aback, her shock turned into a seductive smirk on her face. "How about two."

Needless to say, it was an eventful night. 

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