The Boy and The Girl

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They say, nothing is ever a coincidence, there's always a reason why things happen, and everything happens for a reason

It was just another boring day, I was lazing around on my bed while waiting for my teacher to send me my school schedule via email.
I pouted as I bitterly recalled how I am stressed out lately, because nothing ever goes my way... Bwisit ka kinabuhi! (F#%^ you life)

"Ah, my lovely Lord,
The noble and beautiful flower of evil,
You are the most beautiful, number one in this world."
I jolted the moment I heard someone speak, I looked around, there was no one... I'm the only one in my house right now...

Hopefully, it was just my imagination, even though I am aware that it was very clear.
"For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness,
Follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."
I finally jumped out of my bed in horror, I have always hated these paranormal stuff...

"Flames that turn even stars into ashes,
Ice that imprison even time,"
I tried to calm down as I listen to what the voice is saying...
"Great tree that swallow even the sky,
Don’t be afraid of the power of darkness,
Come now, show your power."
Before I could process what it is talking about, I instinctively walked towards the mirror outside my room.

A hand suddenly came out...
"Mine, theirs, and yours,
There’s only little time left for us.
Do not let go of that hand, at all costs."
And it was like I lost full control of my body, I held its hand and it tightly hold mine... And it pulled me...
It was suddenly dark...
I didn't know what happened but...

"What the heck??? Naunsa na ni?"

Clad clad clad...
"What's that noise?" I asked myself, as I hear heavy footsteps , I opened my eyes and it immediately adjusted with the darkness... It appears that I'm in a box.
"Is it morning?" With someone apparently...

He opened his eyes and jolted in surprise which made him hit his head, after he winced from the pain for a sec, we stared at each other but neither of us made any noise.
In the end, I mustered up my courage to initiate a conversation.
"Who are you? And why are we trapped in a box..."
"I don't know either..." He doesn't seem to be lying, he is as clueless as me...
Before he could introduce himself, a voice came from outside.

"Grrrr! The lid is too heavy." What a weird annoying voice, I thought...
"Time for ... my secret move!" They shouted.

I have a bad feeling about this, and it seems the boy agrees with me as we looked at each other with worried faces.
"Guwaahuhh~ There!"

"Gyaaaa!?!?" I shouted, this is too overwhelming!
"F-fire!?!?" The boy starts struggling to get out of here the moment blue flames went in the box... I mean I was panicking the moment I realized I was being burned to death.

"Ok, ok. Gotta get..." Before they could finish speaking we immediately rushed out of the box "Whaaaaaaaa! Why are you up!?" A seemingly black cat, with blue flames in both his ears, is talking... Weird...

"A talking r-raccoon?! " The boy squinted his eyes hoping they aren't deceiving him.
But what I'm invested in the most is that "I'm in a room with floating coffins!?" Am I in the world of the dead or something? Am I dead?

"Just who are you calling a raccoon!
I am the Great Grim!" The little raccoon or black cat declared... I really didn't care though...
"Hurry and gimme those clothes! Otherwise... I'll roast ya!" The little creature demanded. Ugh. No thanks!

"S-somebody help me!!" I shouted as I kicked it away, it hit the wall but it immediately got up, so I grabbed the boy, and we ran out of the room.
"Dreaming about getting roasted by a raccoon, that's a new one!" He commented ever so casually... And I hate myself for giggling by instinct.
"I said I'm not a freaking raccoon!" It shouted furiously.

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