I want to punch his face...

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Yuu's POV

It was getting really late, we only had enough to clean one room, it was the big one that was meant for a dorm leader.
Yuuna and I agreed that we should share a room for now, for safety purposes, in case those ghosts come back and in case Grim might burn this place while we were asleep.
To be honest, I don't think anything bad would happen tonight though...
I think it's because she is just scared of being alone.
I asked her what her life used to be like before she was transported here like me, and she beamed.
She tells me that she is loved by her parents, she was spoiled, and everyone even her little sister is overprotective of her.
But I also found out that she and her sister shares a room, so I guess she really isn't used to being alone.
I guess it's okay to sleep in a room together...
But when I told her that we were like twins, not just because we look almost similar but because we also get along so easily, she snapped for some reason.
She just went to bed in a sour mood and refuse to talk to me.
Grim told me to just let her be...
I guess I should let her cool her head off before I apologize to her tomorrow...
For some reason she looked sad... May be she really had a twin that died, or may be a friend she used to consider as a sibling...
We might be stuck in this place for a long time, I just want us to get along because we are both aren't from here...
And also, I have always wanted a little sister...

Yuuna's POV

"Heeheehee... Don't you two have to be up to clean the school?" Someone's speaking?
I openned my eyes to see the three ghosts in our room.
"Unnn... munyaaa... Five more minutes..." Grim mumbled while Yuu is still pretty much deep in sleep.
How does he do that when we are in this situation?
"Laze about too long and you'll never wake up again." Another ghost said, trying to wake them up.
"Just like us! Eee heehee!" Another one taunted.
"Ffgya!? It's those ghosts again! Hey you, wake up!!" Grim practically jumped on Yuu's body to wake him up.
"Are you all going to be living here? You're gonna get pranked. Kekeke!" The ghosts declared the moment Yuu opened his eyes. He doesn't seemed bothered and just greeted everyone in the room a good morning.
He is too kind and patient, while I am blunt and reckless... We are completely different, there is no way we would be twins.

"Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?" Mr.Crowley greeted as in the lounge with our breakfast in hand.
"I was sprawled out then fell out the bottom!
Just how ramshackle did you let this place get?" Grim complained "Then the ghosts woke me up, this is the worst!" But Mr. Crowley wasn't even listening to him, and instead his attention was to us.

What's that look in his eyes, it's like how a father proudly looks at their child when it's their first day of school...
"Like a rock!" Yuu chirped happily.
"I couldn't sleep well" Other than my insomnia, how can a girl sleep in this condition? I growled at Crow man.

"Even though you just got tossed from another world you can still be cheeky, wonderful!" Why are you so amused by this? "I came to speak to you about your work for today." I see... Yuu sat down the couch and started eating breakfast. Because Yuu shared his dinner yesterday with Grim, I think it is right if it is my turn to share...
I mean, I'm going to have a diet someday anyway, and Yuu is a boy, which means he should eat more... And it looks like Crow man forgot Grik's tuna...
"Today you are to clean the campus." Mr. Crowley continues as we eat. "...But campus is quite large. Cleaning it all without magic is impossible." Obviously...
He then gave us cleaning clothes, and my own personal hygiene kit like I requested~♪
"So I'd like you to clean Main Street to the main gate to the library. Understood?" He then turned to Yuu and gave him instructions "Please watch Grim closely so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday."

"I understand" Yuu agreed without hesistation...
"I'm not sure" I muttered, stop taking unneccessary responsibility Yuu...

"I'm counting on you. You have permission to have lunch in the school cafeteria." Crowley says. "Take care of your work enthuisastically." And.... He's gone!

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