Juice = Deuce, it makes sense?

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"I'm already beat from cleaning all day.. Now we have to wash a hundred windows, too..." Grim is complaining. You know what I'm just going to let him be, I'll be used it sooner or later anyway.
"We've got no choice" Yuu says but...
"If you're over it, just get it done." I say

"That Ace guy is sure taking his sweet time. Who does he think he is, making me wait! I'm ticked off!" Me and Yuu looked at each other when Grim said that, time passes and we finished our share of the cleaning, except for Grim and Ace...

"......... I don't care what happened, there is no way he's this late!
Wait, he wouldn't just skip out, right!" Grim shouted in realization.

"I'd believe it..." After all, my first impression of Ace is that he is a jerk.
"Let's go find him" Yuu suggests, you know we can just clean it all by ourselves, but equality I guess...

"I'm not gonna let him get away with putting all the punishment on us!
Let's go henchmen! We're gonna catch Ace and make him do all the window washing!" Grim starts walking off, we better follow him before he gets into too much trouble...

We went to a classroom we think he would be in, Yuu said he saw Ace here before lunch time... But that doesn't mean he is still there though...
"Orraaaa! Where's Ace! We're not gonna let you hide away!" Grim rushed in inside ".....Ah, there's nobody here!?" He said in disappointment.

"No, I'm here." A talking portrait!? Cool!
"Fffgyyyaaaaaaaaa!!!! The picture talked!!" Grim shouted in surprise while hiding behind Yuu...
"What now? It's not uncommon for paintings to talk at this school.
The Wall Lady over there, the Wall Gentleman over here, everyone can speak." The portrait on the wall explained. "Portraits can speak because they have a mouth. That's normal, you know?"

"Normally, paintings don't speak." I said in amusement, I wished my drawings could talk, especially my husbando posters~
"Are you friends with the ghosts from yesterday?" Yuu asked a rather out of place question.

"Rather than restlessly floating in the air, I've been sitting still on this wall perfectly for more than fifty years.
Your 'normal' and my 'normal' differ in regards to our quirks. Isn't that true." I nodded when the portrait said that, I guess I really need to adapt to the new normal, which has always been hard for me. "That aside, who are you looking for?" It asks.

"A guy named Ace. He's got a heart mark on his face and hair that sticks up." Grim explains.
"Aaaah, I know him." Glad the portrait is here, he seems helpful "He's one of the freshmen that started today. He went back to his dorm not too long ago.."

"Laguta uy (Damn this)!!!" I shouted while scratching head in nuisance. "Bahala nagud sya uy, maglimpyo nalang ta ug atua...(Just let him be, let's just clean by ourselves!)" I mumbled this time...

"Waaaaahaaaat! So he did try to get away! Which way did he go?" Grim asked the portrait, not caring about what I said.
"The entrance is behind the East Building."

"Hey! We're going after him." And Grim ran off...
"Thank you for your help!" Yuu said before we left that classroom, I just waved goodbye though.

"Heeeeeeeeeeey yoooooouuuuu!!!!" When Grim spotted Ace, he immediately ran after him, and of course Ace ran away as fast az he could too "Jeeeerk!! Hold up!! I won't let you be the only one to escape!" Grim shouted... I for one feel like I should not come with them because of the trouble they are causing, but... I still have to punch Ace, it is a necessary goal, so I ran alongside Yuu and Grim.

As we continue chasing him, Ace passed through ablue haired boy with spade make up on his eye...

"Catch him please!" Yuu shouted as the boy looked at all of us in confusion.
"That jerk was trying to skip cleaning!" I explained hastily...
He nodded then began to think "Magic to capture someone!? I should freeze their legs, no, how about restrain them?
Or I could... Uummm..." He is quite the indecisive one...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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