Legit staying here...

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"Funaa ~ !!!"

"Hee, heeeeeeee! We're goners! Run away~~!!"

They left...

'E-eh? We.. won?" Grim muttered in disbelief...
"Amazing!" I'm just happy I get to live another day...
"Thank you." Yuu picked up Grim and patted his head...
Yuu noticed me glaring at the cat and tried to pat me as well, but I dodged his hand immediately.
"Ha-hee.. That was scar..." Hm? "No, I wasn't scared at all!" Sure you weren't. Scardy cat~ "This is nothing for the Great Grim! How 'bout that that, ghosts? You done?" Geez, this cat is not only prideful, but his head gets bigger by the minute...

"Good evening. I have graciously brought you supper." Mr. Crowley suddenly appeared, bringing us two small boxes... One for each of us... How considerate.
"You're the monster that ran amuck during the entrance ceremony! I threw out of the school, what are you doing here?" And he noticed Grim, finally we can kick him out!

"Hmph! I exterminated the ghost problem! Be grateful!" Shut up cat you didn't do it on your own.

"Hmm? What do you mean by that?" Mr. Crowley asked, and Yuu explained everything by detail as I yawn while eyeing the food Crow man both for us...

"Now that you mention it, there were some prankster ghosts living here so students keep away from this dormitory.
And that's why it is now empty. I'd forgotten that." How could you forget that?
"However, hmmmm...." He looks at the three of us...
"For you three of you to work together to get rid of them."

"I'm not gonna overlook that 'together' comment." I want to throw this cat out so bad, but it looks like I won't have my chance yet...
"They were just standing there watching. And I did this for a can of tuna." I will have my moment, just wait cat... "Ah! I haven't gotten that tuna yet!" He looks at Yuu like he is signaling him to give it too him right now...

"I'd like the two of you to show me how you exterminated those ghosts." Mr. Crowley said but...

"But we already gotten rid of all the ghosts! Before that: Give. Me. Tuna!" Grim shouted while glaring at Yuu and me...

"I shall be the ghosts." What do you mean by that sir? "If you beat me, I'll give you tuna cans. For I am gracious." He announces as he takes a potion out of his suit...
"Now then, Transformation Potion!" And drank it... He really turned into a ghost, should I be amazed or bothered...

"Eeeeeeeh, I don't wanna. This is a pain and I have to team up with them again..." Grim starts complaining again, I mean I'm complaining too, but this is not even my fault in the first place, and he's the one who wants to be here.
"This might be a chance to get into school!" I said sarcastically.
"It's a chance for another can of tuna, Master." Please don't be a pushover Yuu.

"Grrrnnuuu.. This is the last time! You absolutely, absolutely have to give me the tuna!!!" Fortunately Grim gave in.

After 'fighting' Mr. Crowley, we were tired beyond compare. It was more like he was testing us, or being a jerk, something around those lines... Either way, I'm tired...
"Hee-haaa.... How 'bout that!" Grim mutters.

"I can't believe... There are people who can command monsters." Crow man says in an amused manner "Hmmm.. Actually, my teacher senses were telling me since the uproar during the entrance ceremony...
that you have talent as an animal or wild beast trainer." Are you kidding me right now?
"But... no matter how..." he muttered to g while looking at Grim who is resting on my lap... We finally got to eat the dinner Crow man brought us, and Yuu only ate half of it so he could give the rest to the annoying cat.

"Could you possibly let Grim stay here with me?" Yuu suddenly begs the principal, as if he is asking a parent if he could keep a pet. This is my chance to get rid of him! But when I saw Grim looked at Yuu with his big blue eyes, you can tell he is happy and hopeful... Urgh... "Grim really wants to go to this school." I muttered loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"What now? Let a monster live here?" I know right? Me and Yuu are ridiculous...
"Please!" Yuu put his hands together as he looks up to Mr. Crowley, like a little boy asking for something...
Hmph. I give up... "I'm just scared the ghosts might come back." I said rather softly... Am I being a tsuntsun right now? Yikes... The blue eyed creature looked at us, now that I look at him carefully I want to pet him too...
And I instinctively do so.

"... Hah.. It can't be helped.
Alright." The Crow man also gave in...

"Funa!? Really??" Grim is really happy now...

"However. I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, into school who wasn't selected by the Dark Mirror." Knew he would say that... "Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world." I thought so...

"Well... talk about short-lived joy..." Grim muttered disheartened by this... Well it's progress for you, and I knew there would be a catch.

"Listen until the end." What now Crow man "Concerning the fact that your soul was called here, the school has to take responsibility as the owners of the Dark Mirror. For the time being, you'll be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free." Thank goodness... "But, other necessities you will have to provide for yourself. Seeing as you have nothing to your name...
Fufu, here is my proposition."

"Gulp..." Looks like Yuu is preparing for the worse...
"What exactly are you going to make us do?" I yawned... It was getting really really late after all...

"No need to fret, I'll have you do maintenance and odd jobs around campus.
From what I can see, you're pretty decent at cleaning." He says, but... Well, we did manage to clean a bit before the cat barge in...
"Would you two like to become the 'handyman' of the school? This way you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. You'll also be able to research going home or study whatever you desire in the library. For I am gracious. However! Only after your work is done." Is he done speaking now...

"Eeeh!? I'm not okay with that!
I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!" Grim complains, beggers can't be choosers though.

"It's fine if you're unsatisifed. I'll simply toss you out again." I almost laughed out loud at Crow man said that...

"Ffgnnaa!? I get it! I just have to do it. Just do it!" That's what you get for complaining Grim, I am satisfied with that comeback principal. I can sleep peacefully tonight...
"Understood" Yuu agrees to the terms and policy...
"No other choice...Sure. Wala nakoy paki..." I said unenthusiastically, I really want to go to bed right now...

"Wonderful. Then, you two
starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the best handyman at Night Raven College!" Before Mr. Crowley could leave I immediately tugged on his jacket...

" By the way, I'm a girl..." He looked at me with a confused expression... "Two words. Proper Hygiene." He's an adult man, I'm pretty sure he understand, but he didn't so.
"Let me rephrase that, as a teenage girl, I have my needs, you say we need to work for our stay, but you see we don't have money right now for even the basic necessities, and I am a girl, because it was the school's fault we are here in the first place, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt you to at least provide us some of the 'MOST IMPORTANT' ones, right...?" I gave myself a mental pat on the back for managing to calmly say this without going berserk, after everything that has happened I deserve to do that, but I won't... and just reminding myself this, but I am extremely moody because blood day is coming soon...

The principal clears his throat... "You are right, I have forgotten that there's a girl here..." Am I that forgettable? "Very well, I'll see what I can do for some of your nessecities..."

"You better..." I grumbled after he finally left...

"You didn't remind about the tuna!!!" Now's not the time Grim...
Whatever, at least I can finally sleep!

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