Chapter 50

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Even though this was playing out exactly as I had imagined it would and had planned so meticulously, the kiss still caught me off guard, your lips were as soft as I had always imagined them to be, your tongue massaging against mine so effortlessly, we synced ourselves up within seconds, your hand on my cheek set fireworks off inside my stomach.

As first kisses went, this was by far the best I had ever had. The stars had finally aligned for us, Katie. I never wanted this moment to end.

Before I knew it, I had you hand in mine and I was leading you upstairs to my marital bedroom, the room I had only ever shared with Ellie. Guilt was ravaging through my entire body, I felt sick to the stomach knowing I was about to soil the bed I shared with my wife, ruining all of those years of loyalty and not something I ever imagined doing to her. I never thought I would be THAT guy, but it was okay because it was you, Katie. We had both been waiting for this moment for nearly 25 years. I'm sure Ellie would eventually understand.

You were hesitant, I could sense it. Your body stiffened up as we entered the bedroom and the door shut behind us. You froze. You were too scared to sit yourself down on the bed and I understood why. You knew how wrong this was too and I respected you even more in that moment. You still had morals but we both knew that what we were about to do had been a long time coming and given my want for you and this moment, it probably wouldn't last too long.

I had to take control of the situation before we both decided against doing anything and I couldn't have that, I couldn't have that on my mind for the rest of my life, knowing that we were both here in the moment and both seemingly wanting the same thing.

So walking up to you, I moved ny hands to your hips, our eyes locked on one another, both of us appearing to have lost the ability to breathe as our lips met again, the kiss gentle until I slid my tongue between your lips again, the kiss grew passionate as I moved us both back towards the bed, sitting you down slowly as you shuffled yourself back towards the pillow with me laying over you, our lips still locked as you lay flat, hitching your dress up and allowing my body to fit between your legs.

Breaking the kiss, I leah up to remove my shirt and tie, your hands finding my body almost instantly, running your fingers up to my chest as you sit up slightly, your free hand behind my neck pulling me back down towards you as I throw my shirt to the floor, your tongue fighting for dominance in my mouth as you let out a light moan in pleasure.

Your fingers soon start fumbling with the buckle of my belt, failing on numerous occasions to unbuckle me. I break the kiss once more stand up from the bed, removing my trousers and socks. The pleasure I was enduring was clear to see through my boxers as you sat up on your elbows, biting your lips as you gestured with your eyes for me to remove them too. To which I happily obliged and your eyes lit up as my erection was now free.

I'd never felt so vulnerable in my life, this was the moment I had craved for so long, yet I suddenly felt awkward and a little shy. Standing in front of you with nothing covering any part of my body. I was exposed to you for the first time and if your eyes could speak, I would think they were approving of the sight in front of them.

You slowly moved yourself to the edge of the bed, wrapping your small hand around my shaft, your eyes not leaving mine for a second and fuck your eyes were even more perfect with that wanting glint in them. You began to stroke me slowly as you licked your lips the entire time. "I never imagined you to be so big."

So you had thought of me in this way before?!

"Take your dress off." I whispered through the sensation of your hand working me. I needed to see what was under that dress.

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