Chapter 9

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I must admit, I forgot how much I enjoyed the time Ellie and I spent alone. It amazes me how much having children really affects your actual marriage. Don't get me wrong, we still loved each other but you do end up forgetting about one another and your relationship does slide without even realising.

As we sat down at the bar for a well earned glass of wine, throwing the endless amount of shopping bags down to the floor, the soles of our feet throbbing from the hard floor.

"Did you mean to spend this much?" I asked as she let out a huge sigh once finally sat down.

"When do I ever spend what I should?"

She made a fair point but she may need to save up as much money as possible if the police catch up with me for what happened last night.

"So, tell me. What kept you out so late last night? You didn't even text me to tell me you were going to be late. I was worried."

"Ah, you know how it goes. Time just slips away when you're deep in conversation and drowning in alcohol. I'm sorry for not getting in touch but by the time I did realise how late it was I assumed you would be asleep and didn't want to disturb you." I gave her the best puppy dog eyes I could muster.

"It's fine. You're safe now and I couldn't smell any perfume on your clothes this morning so you're lucky!" She winked and smiled across the table at me.

"There's not a girl in the world who would be worthy of throwing this marriage away for baby, you know I'd never do anything like that to you."

Well, there is one girl...

She smiled sweetly back at me. "I trust you with my life, Tommy. I know you would never do anything like that to me. I've known you long enough to know you're not that type."

After last night, Ellie. I'm starting to wonder if I even know myself anymore.

"That means a lot. It's a struggle being this handsome and batting girls off from every angle, you know!" I smirked and moved my arm quickly from the playful slap that was heading towards my arm.

"Oh my God! How long does it take to get served at this place? If this takes any longer, I'm going to go and grab a bottle from behind the bar myself." Ellie wasn't the most patient of people and her impression of a meerkat was making me smile as she searched for a waitress to come over.

"What's the rush? Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Well, yes I do actually. I really need to pee."

"Go, I'll order when someone does finally come over. I'm enjoying the day of not having to rush for once. Just relax and enjoy yourself."

She pulled the chair back and huffed. "Fine but there better be a glass of wine on this table when I get back or I will kick off."

I laughed as she kissed me on the cheek as she headed to the bathroom.

Within seconds of Ellie leaving, I felt somebody approach me from behind. Part of me did panic and expect to turn around to see two policemen behind me, waiting to take me away, but to my relief...

"Hi, sir. Sorry for the wait. What can I get for you?"

Looking up to see that familiar face above me, one I had been expecting.

"Oh my God!!! Tommy?!"

"Hello, Nicola."


You don't think this was one huge coincidence, do you? You have to love social media!

The moment Ellie mentioned what she wanted to shop this morning, there was only one shopping centre we were going to.

"How are you? It's been years!" The shock in her face...priceless.

"I'm good. Married with two kids now. All grown up. How are you?" I asked but genuinely couldn't give two shits about how she was or what was going on in her life.

"I'm engaged. Not fortunate enough to have any children just yet.

Looking up at her with as much distaste now as I had for her 22 years ago. I still couldn't state this bitch. Her sweaty, blotchy face, her dirty looking blonde hair, still as big as she always was. The girl I knew had turned out to be the woman I expected her to grow into. A waste of space.

"Sorry to hear that. I'm sure kids will come along sometime."

Just take my order and fuck off already. I only came here to make sure this is where I could find you. I didn't need or want the chit chat.

"Two glasses for red wine please." I couldn't pretend to care any longer.

"Coming up, Tommy. Was nice to see you again." She wrote my order down in her little black book with what appeared to be a genuine smile on her face.

"Yeah, you too." Quickly shutting this down, it had gone on for too long.

"Maybe we should meet up one day soon? You know for a proper catch up?"

Is she still here?!

As tempting an offer as it was, it was too obvious. She would tell far too many people. It was too dangerous.

"I would but my wife isn't the most understanding. I don't think she'd like me meeting up with an old friend. Her previous partner cheated on her with an old school friend, so I really wouldn't want to put her through that situation again. I'm sorry, hope you understand?"

I am getting good at this bullshitting. Even if I do say so myself.

She nodded back enthusiastically and clearly off guard. "Oh, absolutely understand. Well, I'll bring your drinks over shortly." Scurrying herself off as Ellie returned to the table.

Gesturing towards Nicola as she walked off. "Another one of those women you had to bat off?"

I smiled as she pulled herself back under the table.

"Yeah, something like that."


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