CHAPTER 28: The Hero of the dead

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"I see the gates, we are close," said Sebastian. They have spent a day hitting the road. The horses were jogging steadily under the ultimate domaining white light of the moon.

Maria was sleeping, Alfred was talking with sebastian. While Diana was busy thinking of a way to approach this woman...


How she would introduce herself to the woman? If her father was there... What would be his reaction after a whole year away from him? Would he still remember her face? Does he still love her as before?

She eyed gunnora's stable body that was wrapped by white clothes like a worm resting safely inside her cacoon.

She frowned a little, her head tilted to her uncle and Sebastian. "Do you think citizens of Ontoga knew about what happened in the castle?" she asked.

"I doubt it" Alfred began, "However, the news will spread all over the two kingdoms in a matter of a week or so. We don't know how King Marcus or King Wain would speak about the incident. Remember, this castle had been a subject of dispute between the two kingdoms for a very long time, and with its fall, nothing prevented the temper from escalating between the two lands. That's why we should keep our heads low. it won't be safe to just wander between towns and villages anymore"

Diana nodded with understanding, feeling nervous. How big is this world that she got herself into?

The world of politics and Kingdoms...

Now she could have drawn the attention of another king. She hoped that the coming days sway peacefully, till she reached the town 'Nale' in the opposite kingdom.

The carriage marched towards the gate, still broken since the soldiers came last time. the despairing atmosphere still looming, sad faces everywhere. It was strange for a carriage to enter a village just like that, some even thought that the slavers came early than expected. But after the notice of the two girls and the body in the back, they were certain that those guests were no slavers.

The carriage stopped in the middle of the square of the town. Alfred confronted the people and inquired them about the tomb places.

Strangely, They didn't recognize the name of Gunnora and the citizens suddenly turned the man down with hostility. They refused for another body- not a citizen of the town- to be buried at their tombs. Even after Diana begged them to fulfil Gunnora's last wish before death. Neither their hearts nor their mind wanted to believe them.

The whole group exchanged looks. They were furious, now what? Should they bury her in the forest nearby instead? How would Gunnora feel that even after her death, her fellow people still rejected her?!

She felt fury and outrageous emotions boiling within her blood. Diana couldn't take it anymore, she was on the verge of outcrying at those despicable townfolks that they dare call themselves humans...till one particular figure showed himself...

"Leave them be, they speak the truth" an old man advanced.

"My elder!" Someone gasped before kneeling, and the other citizens soon followed his example, kneeling and lowering their heads.

The group did the same.

"Raise your Head, young warriors, and speak high," The elder said. Raising his own hand upwardly.

Before Alfred could speak. Diana rushed ahead. "Old chieftain, we came to fulfil the last wish of a young woman who wanted to be buried next to her mother here, despite the citizen's anger we request that you allow us to fulfil her last request"

The man smiled, oddly. He walked steadily towards the body bypassing Diana.

Something is wrong with that man. Diana thought.

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