Chapter 39: United as One

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Louis speaks

I ran to her...I had to convince myself to stop overenjoying over my truimph. I felt that she could be no longer in the town... and what lied in the bag was another girl...maybe it wasn't a human...maybe I was just to desperate to save her that I began to imagine things...

That hideous endless possibilities roamed over me like a stalking crows waiting for me to snap at any second.

I could still hear the battle still boiling at the edge of the town, but I knew it was a matter of time before it comes to a halt.

I ran to the bag, and untying that knot was the most nervous thing I had to do with those trembling fingers.

The instant I got her out. She slapped me. She clawed on me like a Tigress. She hit me multiple times, screaming ollegable words and crying with agony that I had never experienced since my mother's death.

I deserved more than a slap. She was merciful to me. She kept shouting and throwing hands all over me, as if I am the kidnapper.

I surrounded her maniacally hysterical reaction with my tired arms,as I slowly managed to calm her down. Till she finally realised she is no longer in danger. And after many pleas for her to stop, she ceased her assault.

She gradually held her gaze to mine, right in the eyes. And I will never forget those drained orbs looking at me with those strange emotions...


I didn't know what to say. She kept crying. I hugged her to contain her. Yet, I couldn't get a hold of myself.

 The guilt of what I had done had struck again. powerful as ever. I eyed her. She couldn't say a word. She was too weak. Her lips were petrified. her skin was full of dirt and was so astonishingly cold.

And her clothes...

I looked at her clothes, All torn and in miserable condition. My mind feared for her body. And I had my doubts.

Did they touch her...Was it painful...Did she suffer?! That girl at the town hall said that she was too valuable for them...for the blood drinker...Did that man...

I pressed my tongue before speaking. "Did any of them..." I couldn't finish it. It was even cruel for me to ask her such a barbaric question now. But my fears took hold of me.

She nodded negatively.

My flames of revenge succumbed. Not fully, But still. I had to control myself. For her. For the sake of her remaining pure soul, I felt some of it in her weak arms holding at my shirt. She was still clinging to me.

WHY!  .I screamed at myself

I wanted her to punish me. To slap me again. To say that she hates me. To leave me and go to someone else. One that can appreciate her more and truly adores her and most of all never leave her side...

"L-Louis..." I heard her weak whispers.

"I am here..." I tried to embrace myself for whatever was coming out of her tired lips.

"W-Wa...Water". her eyes were half closed and full of dried tears.

"Water?" My stupid brain stopped thinking. "Water?! Right, you need water!"

I looked around and spotted a group of soldiers marching beside me, and I excused them for a borrowed bottle. One of those good men then gave me his half-full bottle. It was better than nothing.

"Here" I took the bottleneck and draw it near her mouth. I supported her lower lip with my finger so that every drop counted. As the liquid slowly flew through her throat, nurturing her deteriorating body.

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