Chapter 3 : A walk around the house

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The sound of the banging on the door didn't stop. It just made Richard sweat even more. The door shook violently at the punching knocks.

Ok, Keep it gentle now, they will sweep the area then leave, Fake it till they leave it...

"Coming !" His voice trailed in response, trying to hide the intensity of his anxiety.

He opened the door halfway. Revealing 4 strong men with their horses. However, not in the slightest did he anticipate the identity of the 5th knight...

The captain himself.

A quick look at those equipped swords and full armors of iron, made him think trice before crossing the gang at his doorstep.

"Greetings, sir!" The captain smiled with a nice face, bowing slightly from above his horse while his brown eyes scans the protector.

"Greetings" Richard smiled back. "How may I be of assistance, captain?"

"Well, you know the tradition. I heard that you had a pretty daughter, Mind if I checked if what I heard was true?"

At first impression, he didn't know what or how he should answer. How did he know he had a daughter in the first place?

Richard gathered all confidence he had before answering. "I-I am sorry, captain. I truly want to help you, but The one you are looking for is long gone dead"

He forced his eyes to his receiver's eyes to fully cook his plot. Hardly trying to hide the sweet cluttering over his bloc.

"Oh...Was it the Black Death?"

"N-No, sir. It was...a lone wolf attack. It attacked us while we were on our way to our neighbors, in the next village, I-I managed to kill it, but not before it took her soul with 'em. Sh...She died in my arms, sir"

The captain blinked. His smile faded instantly. He lost the glimmer of his eyes.

"Sorry...for your loss," he said, sharing the unreal grief.

"But sadly I can't take your words for granted, even if you are saying the truth"

He titled his head to his men. "Search the house". He commanded with full seriousness.

The soldiers disembarked their horses and were heading towards the door, only to find Richard blocking the entrance.

"But I already told you!" He protested evidently.

"And I believe you! It is just a routine search. Besides, why are you so nervous if you don't have anything to hide?" He narrowed his eyes.

"B...B...Because you people will turn the house upside down and I just cleaned it!". His plea was beyond sarcasm. It was miserable.

The captain blinked. Hardly trying to mute his laughter. "Oh, come on. Don't make a fuss of it. We are searching for a girl, not a rat".

One of the men approached Richard dangerously close. "Move. Before. I.Slice. You. To. Two Halves" he said with a hostile face, while his fat fingers slowly sought for his sword hilt.

Swallowing his pride, Richard stepped aside, allowing the men to pass.

Submitted by his threat. The soldier smirked "pussy" to Richard's face and gave him an eye before he entered with the others.

Trying to hold his fumes, the protector blew air hard, in denial of this oppression. His fear was dramatically changing to anger. It was a good thing in a way to hide his true scheme.

"Please, excuse their manners. We were marching for 5 straight hours in dark routes". The captain said, speaking for his men's unpure entrance.

Richard gave a glancing smile, teased with how the captain was too calm and chilly, regardless of how his men were so arrogant and scummy type.

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