Evil Spirits All Over Pt. 3

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Akane's POV:

We all got Mai out to the van. "Mai! Mai come on get up!" I screamed! Takigawa came and held me back after putting Mai down "She is gonna be fine. You need to calm down." I looked up at him. I then latch onto his arm feeling my eyes start to mist over. The three looked at me not knowing how to comfort me. They watched me try to calm myself while clinging to this guy's arm after I just met him. I then started to see dots "Hey I think I'm-" I didn't get to finish what I was saying because I went down and out. Though I heard a few people saying my name.


I over to see Mai and a guy who looks like Shibuya. I stay quiet and let them talk. After Mai disappears the guy sighs. "You're not Shibuya." I say more to myself. He quickly turns to see me. He smiled at me "No I'm not." I nod "Please protect Mai in here." I ask him. He nods "Good. I think I'm waking up. I hope to see you again sometime!" I smile at him feeling myself wake up.

Mai was already up and talking to the others. I then hear Mai explain Shibuya is a narcissist and John then said, "Maybe Kazuya is at home stewing with unbridled rage while he makes straw effigy dolls of each of us." Then they all started laughing so did I.

They all turned to me "You're up! That's great you have us a scare passing out like that." I nodded "Sorry! I kinda ignored my pain and ran down the stairs to get to Mai. The adrenaline is the only thing that kept me up until I passed out."

I tell them rubbing the back of my head. "Oh, shoot I left my crutch in there!" I sigh and start walking to the door which they all tried to stop me. "I'll be in and out guys no worries it should be at the bottom of the stairs. I kinda threw it in my rush to Mai." They all sighed. "I'll get it, you'll only hurt yourself more walking on it." John then went in and came back out really quickly "Thanks John!" I smiled at him taking back my crutch.

Mai's POV:

My friends were telling me how Naru called them last night when a teacher told me Kuroda and I were wanted in the principal's office. We walked there and in I saw everyone including Masako. Except Akane wasn't there. "What's everyone doing here?" I asked only to get told to sit. "Okay this makes up everyone who's been involved with the case this far, except Miss Akane." He paused for a moment for us to sit "This should only take a few minutes."

Then Naru closed the curtains and turned on a weird light "I'd like everyone to focus on the light." For a few breathes there was no sound "Now control your breathing so it's in sync with the light." Another few seconds with no sound "Very slowly... relax your shoulders." I feel myself relaxing my shoulders "Concentrate on your breathing." I'm getting really sleepy I think to myself "Now start counting your breathes. Breathe deep. Nice and slow." He started sounding farther away "Tonight the chair on the second floor of the old schoolhouse will move."  Chair? "Tomorrow we will all meet in the laboratory." Laboratory.... Chair....chair. Then suddenly it was really bright "That's all I need thank you for your cooperation." The others started to complain about being tired.

Suddenly I only thought of chair. Then I was running down the hall to catch up with Naru "Naru! Where did you go yesterday?" He looked at me as he replied "Nowhere special. I heard that you got injured and your sister passed out." I just try to play it off "Oh it was no big deal. Akane is at home resting. So, what was up with that light?" He ignored and responded with another question "Shouldn't you be heading back to class now?" I answered back "I'm not too worried about it." He turned to look at me "So you're skipping class because you want to be stupid?"

That aggravated me, then I ran back up to him "Hey hold on a second there was something I wanted to ask you. Did you come back last night?" He looked at me strangely "To, the school? Uh uh... why?" I then tried to play it off "Oh... um uh, no reason. Well time to get back to class! See ya!" He then left. I started thinking about the dream, then I wondered why I kept thinking about it. I then realized I was crushing on that narcissist!

Akane's POV:

Close to when Mai's school was supposed to finish, I started walking there. Ugh I hate this stupid crutch! When I reached the schoolhouse I saw Shibuya, Mai, and John. "Hey guys." I say as I walk up to them. "Akane! You're supposed to be home and resting!" I roll my eyes at my little sister "I'm fine. I'm just here to help out." I nodded to Shibuya. "Welcome back." He nodded at me "Well then let's get started." As he led us to the second floor. I am taking a bit longer than the others. When I got up to where they were they had a camera, a chair, and Shibuya said a radar.

I could see where this was going. Mai and John started putting up plywood as a stood there not being able to help. When they finished Shibuya handed them a marker "You three sign your names on the boards." I take it and then ask, "In Japanese or English?" I ask him raising a brow playfully "Both." I nodded "You're the boss." I mock salute him. We all sign all over the plywood. "Makes me feel like I'm famous signing autographs." I say playfully to the other two. Then he had us do it on the paper as well and said we can go home afterwards. I cheer "Yay time for food after!" Mai and John laughed at me.

[The next Morning]

Mai was grumbling about not sleeping. Then as we walked up to the schoolhouse, we saw Shibuya's assistant who was injured. As we walked up Shibuya and his assistant turned to us "What are you two doing here so early?" Shibuya asked, "Mai couldn't sleep and I didn't want to be late and hold everyone up." I say motioning to my crutch "Looks like we match." I say to his assistant, who raised a brow at me but then nodded to me.

Mai just rambled to Shibuya, who told her she has to wait for everyone to get here. Then she tried to ask the assistant if he was doing any better. He just looked at her and she freaked out. I went up to him "I'm Taniyama Akane. I never got your name?" I tell him while bowing my head in respect. "Lin Koujo. Thank you for the other day." I nodded.

Everyone was here and we were waiting by the boarded-up room. Mr. Lin had a camera to record. Shibuya had John, Mai, and me confirm our names on the boards and paper hadn't been tampered with. Then trying to look like a spy or something easily removed a section of the wood. To show to everyone the chair had moved.

"I see so my suspicions were correct?" I asked Shibuya he briefly nodded I just stood in the back so he could explain. The Monk and Miko getting upset with Shibuya then he showed them the video of the chair. Then they all were getting confused why Shibuya still is saying it's not a ghost but is a poltergeist. It was then they understood it was Kuroda. Shibuya further explained how he reached the conclusion that it was Kuroda.

"Also, with the idea also being presented by Miss Akane everything clicked into place." Everyone turned to me "How did you figure it out?" A few asked in unison "I just kinda added all the clues together. Kuroda was there for the incidents. They all happened when we thought we fixed or solved the case. So, it just made sense there was something else happening." Then Shibuya explained how she has a form of PK and how she erased the tapes. Mai then explained how she can understand.

The Ayako went off about how she got stuck "Easy there was a nail stuck in the floor." Shibuya and I said in sync. We looked at each other "You grabbed it?" He nodded pulling it out. Then as Ayako was angry at Kuroda Takigawa asked what they were going to do and what to tell the principal.

"I plan to report the following story to the principal. The old schoolhouse was haunted by those who died here during the war. They have all been exercised and the structure is now clean of any paranormal activity, that sound ok Kuroda?" they went on about how Kuroda is doing fine now and then Ayako was flirting with Shibuya. He then embarrassed her and basically lived up to the nickname she called him. Then they decided to even share the credit for the work.


The others were leaving, and Shibuya and Mai were talking by the van. I watched her get upset and yelling as she ran off to school. I walked towards him "Must you tease her? I know her reactions are amusing." I asked him amused. He looked at me "Miss Akane I have no idea what you are talking about." I watch him slightly smirk.

"Also, I still don't approve of you taking advantage of my little sister like that." I tell him with what I imagine was a mildly scary smile. "Oh well, what's done is done. I should be off, though I have a feeling we will be meeting again soon. So, I bid you good day Shibuya. You as well Lin it was interesting meeting you both" I say as I start to walk away slowly with my crutch which I can ditch within the next few days. Feeling their stares on my back.

{Hey guys been a while and I've been busy sorry hope you enjoy the newest update! Ciao~}

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