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He opened is eyes and looked around lazily.

"Shit school" he rememberd and slightly cursed under his breath while picking out an outfit.

He tried not to look gay.

Sounds pretty strange isn't it? Well , he is scared to get even more picked on than he already is. He couldn't prove them wrong, he is a homosexual after all.
"James!" He heard his father yell
"It's Paul dad!" He yelled back with an annoyed tone
"Yeah, right.. Paul , hurry will ya? I made scrambeld eggs"

Paul wasn't hungry and decided to fix his hair. While he was doing that he looked at himself and became kinda sad. Ofcourse they were picking on him for looking gay, he looked like a bloody girl.he hated to say this but he wished he looks as hot as his hot enemy. Yeah right...

John Lennon

God he hated to say that.

He runned to school after looking in the mirror for to long

John woke up and couldn't see anything. He putted on his glasses he hated to wear

He putted on his clothes and looked at his phone, the school starts in 45 minutes.while was putting on his clothes he tought about school.are there new students?would Paul be in my class?

Paul , his small obsession. He felt bad for calling him names previous year. He knew deep inside he just did that because he was struggling with his sexuality and having a small crush on someone who is definitly straight.

John decided not to eat,he was fat enough. He was once again  jealous of Paul's pretty body.

Both the boys walked to school

Paul walked to his new locker,locker 234..he saw a tall boy standing at the locker next to his (locker 233) and speedwalked over to his locker.

''George!'' the tall boy turned around and showed his fangs
''Paul!'' George answered happily ''i'm the tallest now'' he added grinning
''the doctor says it can be anytime'' Paul said.
''of course'' George answered sarcasticly

Because the lockers were spread around the hall in groups of four they wondered who owned the lockers next to theirs.

They saw a short boy walk over to them. He silenlty opened the locker 232 and noticed Paul and George. He looked at them and smiled.They smiled back and George makes a weird sound that sounded a bit like ''mornin' '' but very shaky.

As the unknown boy walked away George stared at him while his mouth was hanging open

''earth to George'' Paul giggled ''George!'' he said stern , mimicking the voice of one of their teachers

George jumped out of fear while Paul was laughing his arse of.

'' 's not funny mate'' George said
''oh, it is'' Paul said still laughing
''yeah right'' George said while rolling his eyes and trying to open his locker.
Paul pushed George aside and smashed the stubborn locker.
The locker fles open very slowly

''so stupid , i have been in this school for a few years now and i still can't open that damn locker'' George smiled

They walked togheter to their class.

John runned to his new locker.
Locker 235. He slowed down when he saw him.his worst fear,his enemy,his biggest dream.

Paul McCartney

''you gotta be shitting me''
John waited a little, when Paul and George were walking away he slipper trough the crowd making his way to the locker.

It's extremely dumb.

Math on the first day!?

The teacher was happy to see i wasn't late "you can sit next to mr. McCartney''

Both Paul and John's eyes widened, no way they would be sitting next to the person they hated,well yeah,''hated''

John rolled his eyes and sat down next to Paul.Paul just glared at John.

The lesson ended after some boring shit and the typical welcome back, let's make this year a good year, yay...

John left and smashed Paul's book on the ground and smiled to himself while walking away
Paul putted his foot before John's leg and John fell on the ground. He Flipped a middle finger.

((Time skip 'cause i'm lazy))
At lunch Paul and George sat at their usual spot.
Paul , of course , couldn't let the incident at the locker just pass by

''George'' he said in a high pitched tone
''what now?'' George said , faking irritation
''Remember this morning?''
''oh no''
''oh yes''
''didn't know you were gay''
''shut it Paul! I don't even know his name or what he's like, even though he's cute. And it's not like you're any better, huh''
''good point'' Paul said while looking at John, who happened to be also looking at him. He looked away , he shouldn't get his hopes up, John would never like Paul.

John frowned , he hoped he could get a second chance with Paul.

((Another time skip))

John scrolled trough his Instagram and stopped when he saw Paul's account ,Paul did the same but with John's account they fell alseep wishing there life was like the other.




Soooo, first chapter...
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