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''so'' Paul stated "so" John answered there was this akward tension both the boys stared at the ground for a few seconds trying to find something to say , fortunatly John said something "why? why is it just us? wait... is it just us?" John started panicking for a few seconds untill he heard Paul's soothing voice "maybe we have to get along" "we have to go to the library" John simply said "the library?" Paul asked "yeah, maybe we'll find something, we have .... 30 minutes before school starts we can go now" John said as he looked at the time "no, i think we better wait 'till lunch break or after school 'cause we'll surely loose track of time , now , we have to know each other better"

"are you serious?"

Paul and John shared everything they needed the other the know about.
Or at least they thought they did.


(A/N : i was gonna write something cool here but i forgot what so let's continue)

They walked to history togheter before a the bus came so they didn't have to walk trough a big crowd.
They waited at the door 'cause the teacher wasn't there yet.

''hey John'' Paul said quiet
''I just want you to know that , even though we maybe didn't really get along , i'm here for you. We both can't make it on our own now''
John smiled at how cute that was and asked

Both blushing like Mad, they stared at each other.
They both didn't know how long they had been standing there just staring and blushing untill they heard a Posh and stern voice say ''Lennon and McCartney , go to your seats, NOW!''
They both laughed a little akward and hurried over to their seats.

Both of them sat enthousiasticly next to each other , that took the teacher by surprise but shrugged it of.

Paul saw George and the nameless locker boy (or lover boy) looking at each other every now and then. George didn't realise the other was looking at him.

John looked at Paul , the teacher unfortunately did to
''well , well mister Lennon''
Paul didn't look
''Paul'' John wispered ''the teacher''
''oh'' Paul looked at the teacher flashing a smile
''Well mister Lennon you should pay attention , it's very important"
Paul and John rolled their eyes ''fucking hate history'' Paul stated
''same here'' John sighed
They looked at each other and started to laugh
''Lennon and McCartney , one more time and i wont hold back to give detention to both of you''

The whole lesson was just both of them trying to hold back their laughter with red faces

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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