Macarena? Macarena.

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Once I ran out of the class, I heard a familiar sound.

" Is that... the Macarena? " I asked myself before laughing out loud. It was really quite funny. You see, just last week Mr.Boring teacher was playing the Macarena song in math class. He said it would 'help us concentrate' and 'make our brains work' .

Well I'll tell you something, it made everyone get distracted from how boring the class was.

For 2 minutes.

After that, everyone pretty much just dozed off. My math teacher is really... special?

I walked further down the hallway, following the sound of the Macarena. I could no longer see my class anymore.

Should I go back? Nah, it's to far.

I was getting closer to the front door of the school and there was still no sign of any cops and swats or whatever those are called! I got so close to the sound that I could almost feel it.

"Wait a second" I whispered to myself.
"That's Mr.Boring teacher's speaker! And it's in the arms of some idiot like the one that broke into my class." I paused to think for a second
"He must part of the association thing to. Duh."

"You wot m8!" said Oscar really loudly in my ear.

"Aaah! What are you doing here?!" I screamed at him.

"Got bored." he said with an innocent smile.

I looked at him. "But what did you do to Creeper?"

"Who?" he gave me a confused look. I had realized that I was only calling him Creeper in my head.

"I mean the robber dude" I said correcting myself.

"Oh! We tied him up! It was really fun!" he replied

"You tied him up? With what?"

"Some stuff!" he replied quickly.

"Ok, that's a good answer..."

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