Face palm

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Me and Emma were in the computer room with the door locked. I flicked on the lights.

"Remember that one time at the beginning of the year when Ethan fell threw that hole in the wall?" Emma whispered.

"Oh, ya! That was hilarious!" I said starting to giggle. "Isn't it for all the computer wires?"

"Yes it is and it's still there!" She said. "It might lead to another room!"

"That's true!" I exclaimed, realizing how obvious it was.

"I know your in there! Let me in kids!" <the Minion> yelled from the other side of the door. We didn't answer him.

I swear, this guy is the most idiotic person I've ever met.

"How about no?" I said, using my sass skills.

"Why not? I'm gonna help you!" He said with the most fake, innocent voice ever.

I face palmed.

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