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Sadly, he was successful at opening the door and a man who looked to be at least 6 feet tall with a leather jacket and the weirdest tattoo on the side of his chin, started to slowly walk inside the class.

Everyone froze to stare at the creepy man in the classroom. Not to mention he was holding a gun!

"What the heck is on his face?" I could hear Andrew whispering to Dakota.

The first person to move was of course, Francesca. She shoved Oscar, who was standing in front of her and screamed " Take him first!!!! ". After being shoved, Oscar ended up standing right in front of the creepy dude.

The creepy dude quickly pulled a tazzer out of his pocket and zapped Oscar, who fell to the floor in "shock". (Get it? I know, bad pun)

Francesca went over to Oscar and said happily " Thanks for saving me Oscar!" She paused and nudged him with her foot " Are you dead?" He let out a small sound which seemed like a " no ".


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