The Incident

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Just a heads up, there is blood, trama and cringe up ahead, and this is by the time they are already in dorms, and everything, also, Akuma lives in the Class 1A dorms because they ran out of room in the Clas 2A dorms 😏 'totally' so you have been warned


The alarm goes off and I threw it against the wall. Phoenix from up above yelled, "WAS THAT THE ALARM CLOCK?! THIS IS THE 5TH TIME THIS WEEK!" I yelled back, "I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FRICKING ALARM CLOCK! AT LEAST IT WASNT IIDA, BECAUSE HE KEEPS GIVING ME STUPID LECTURES!" I wasn't really in the mood for her right this second. I remembered last night I got a text from Hawks to meet with him, and today was a Saturday. I got up and got out my hero outfit, and put it on. I looked at the ladder, it went upstairs into Phoenix's Dorm. "You dressed?" I asked Phoenix. "Oh yeah, you can come up." She said in a happy tone. I climbed up and said, "Someone seems happy today. What's up with you?" She shrugged, "It's just a good da- why are you wearing your hero outfit?" She looked confused. "Oh Hawks told me to meet him in. I don't know why though." I told her. "You probably should get going then, and yes I'll tell Tokoyami, and be careful." She said. "Ok, ok Miss Ingenium Girl." I rolled my eyes at her and opened the door. "HEY MISS TOKOYAMI GIRL! YOU DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" She yelled at me.  I laughed silently and ran until Iida, "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS, AKUMA!" I stopped in front of him. "Look man, you can give me a lecture later, I have to get to my agency, there's a emergency." I looked at him and he said, "Fine, just don't get in trouble or get hurt, and since I'm your dorm representative, I give you a luck charm." He handed me a charm, it was Tokoyami's head, with a little note on the back that said, 'Revelry In The Dark' . I smiled and grabbed it, "Thanks Iida! It's very nice, but I've got to go!" I grabbed it and put it on while I was eating some bird meat and mouse meat, while running. I grew some wings from my back and flew to the agency.

I landed into the spot me and Hawks usually meet and of course he's already there. "What took you so long, Akuma?" He said. "There was bird traffic, and it took forever!" I said jokingly. He started to chuckle, "Well, at least your here now, come with me." He flew up in the sky and I followed him until we get above a forest, and he dives down. I wasn't really sure why he would go into a forest but I followed him down. He was sitting on a log that was on its side. "Sit down, Akuma." I walked over to him and sat on the log by him. "So, what's with you texting me, 'Akuma meet me in our spot, its very important' whole deal?" Akuma said, confused why they were just sitting down and not doing anything. Hawks sighed and replied, "I wanted to tell you something..." Akuma was so confused now. She was thinking, like bro I rush all the way over here for nothing. "What is it?" Akuma questioned. He pulled out his feather sword, "I'm so sorry, Akuma..." She got up so fast, she was like Tenya Iida running to go safe everyone. "Hold up, wait a minute.. Your a traitor?!" She spread her wings out, about to fly up. Hawks punched her in the face, knocking her out.

She woke up, her head was bleeding and she felt like her right leg and left arm were broken, so she got up very slowly, and looked up. It seemed to be a old mine, and it seemed like she was just pushed down one of the entrances or exits. She placed her hand on her eye, and took it from her eye, and looked at her hand, there was blood on it. Her wings were gone due to time limit of her quirk. "Man.. it's so hard to see down here.." She looked at the floor, and there was a old lantern, and she grabbed the box of matches from her back pocket. ( because she totally always has a box of matches in her back pocket ) She grabbed one the matches out and lit the Old Lantern. She looked around and saw there was a tunnel, so she started to walk into the tunnel. When she was only half way through the entrance of the tunnel, the entrance into the tunnel collapsed. "Well, I guess this is the only way now." She sighed. She followed the path until spit started to go upwards, and she stopped. "Freedom, I hope..." She walked up the slope of the dirt and rocks, until she saw some light shiny from a fence gate, and it was slightly opened. She opened it enough to fit through it. She pulled out her phone, and she got some service, so she texted Tokoyami and wrote, 'Heyyy, can you come and pick me up from this location? I dont really know where I am, and my quirk is on time limit so, can ya?' She then sent her location. A few minutes later, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow come to her, and she's just sitting on the ground. "You good, Akuma?" Dark Shadow questioned worryingly. "Yeah..." Her cut on her eye, and the blood from her head was now dry blood. "I just fell- down a old mine.. And I can't feel anything in my right leg or my left arm." She nervously said. "Dark Shadow, help her up on my back" Tokoyami sighed. "Tokoyami, I can only pick you up, you know that right?" Dark Shadow said. "O-oh! Right.." Tokoyami picked up Akuma and placed her on his back. "We should probably go to the dorms." Akuma said. Tokoyami started to walk to the school.

Tokoyami opened the doors to the dorms, and all the students looked at him. "Hey Tokoyami!" The frog girl said. ( she still doesn't have everyone's names down btw ) "I had to go pick up Akuma, sorry guys for leaving in a hurry." Tokoyami said, putting Akuma on the couch. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, AKUMA!?" Iida said, in a panic. "I'm fine.. for the most part" Akuma said, some what in pain. "We should get Mr. Aiwaza, I'll get him!" Deku said, and ran to the school. Akuma closed her eyes. Should I tell them about Hawks? Should I keep it a secret? I don't know anymore.. she thought. "I need to go to Hawks, he needed me for some more training." Tokoyami said. "Be careful, Tokoyami." Akuma said, sighing. Mr. Aizawa and Deku came running in, "I heard that one of my students got hurt.. Who was it?" Mr. Aiwaza said, in a calmly way. "Me, Mr. Aizawa.." Akuma raised her hand. Mr. Aizawa looked at her, "It looks like you were attacked Akuma. Did you fight a villain?" Mr. Aizawa looked a little worried. "No, I just fell in that old mine over in that forest, I was doing a patrol for Hawks." Akuma lied. Mr. Aizawa sighed, "Iida get Recovery Girl, and Akuma... We'll talk later." Mr. Aizawa walked to the front doors, and left. Iida ran to get Recovery Girl and brought her back. Recovery Girl looked at Akuma, "You need to be more careful, sweetie." She healed Akuma as much as she could, so now just the eye scar is there. The speakers came on, "Mrs. Akuma, please come down to the Teachers Work Room!" She got up and sighed. "I better go see why they need me." She started to walk to the Teachers Work Room. 

Thank you all for reading my cringe, and I'm sorry for not posting this sooner, I got busy and completely forgot about this, sorry T^T

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