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Buck P.O.V

Me and Eddie have been dating for two months now and we wanted to tell Chris.

Buck: What if he doesn't like me o-or what if-

Eddie: Buck.... *Puts hand on Buck's shoulder* he already basically loves you like a dad, you will be fine trust me.....

Buck: o-ok thanks *Eddie pulls him in for a tight hug*

Eddie: I love you Buck and i'm sure Chris will too *Kisses*


Eddie P.O.V

I was thinking about asking Buck to marry me, that thought kinda became more of a leap of faith when I bought a 2,000$ ring. I was thinking about taking him to the place we went on our first date, Red lobster. I knew it was a stretch but it was worth it, they both love each other so much. And then Buck pulled me out of my thoughts

Buck: Eddie.. Are you okay?

Eddie: Yeah, I was just thinking about something.

Buck: Ok...... *gives Eddie a unbelieving look*

We got home and Buck super stressed out.

Eddie: hey Buck calm down me and Chris are going love you no matter what *grabs hand tightly*

Buck: Thanks Eddie, I love you too.

We hug for a while and finally go inside. Chris was asleep because it was 9pm.

Eddie: I will go wake up Chris stay here, I love you Buck.

Buck: I know you dork, love you too now hurry up.

I come back in with Chris and notice that Buck is fidgeting with his hands.

Chris: Buck!!! I missed you *Hug leg tightly*

Buck: Hey buddy, I missed you too.... Umm we have something to tell you *Chris looks up confused* me and you dad a-are....

Eddie: We are dating... and if your not okay with that I understa-

Chris: I already knew that

Buck: Wait what?!?!

Chris: I saw you guys kissing on the couch *Eddie facepalms*

Buck: Hey bud you hungry?

Chris: Yeah! *Buck picks him up and brings him to the kitchen*

That was really awkward, I mean I knew the kid was smart but I didn't realize that he was sneaky. I wonder if he knew I was going to ask Buck to marry me. I mean the ring is in my bottom drawer. Maybe he was snooping. I got shot back to reality when Buck walked back in.

Buck: Hey Eds, wanna head off to bed?

Eddie: Sure....

We got ready for bed and snuggled until we fell asleep in each other's warmth.

Authors note: Hope you like the first chapter make sure to vote, I will be posting more soon.

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