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Can you see me using everything to hold back?

I guess this could be worse

Walking out the door with your bags

Murdoc opened his eyes, the room exceptionally brighter than what he was used to. It formed a small moment of confusion before he realized where he was. He was in Stuart's apartment. On the couch. He looked over to his side. With Stuart right next to him? Well, more like on him. Man, they must've fallen asleep at the exact same time that night. Or maybe Stuart was just trying to be nice by staying near him instead of going to his own bed.

He shook his shoulder lightly. "Hey," He said shyly at first "Stuart." Stuart hummed, sitting up. He still had his eyes closed, yawning. "Oh, yeah. What time is it?" He shortly mumbled an oh after glimpsing at his phone again. Murdoc sat there awkwardly. Stuart rubbed his eye, trying to wake up fully. "Are you hungry?" He asked. Murdoc didn't want to come off as impolite "Erm, I'm okay, thanks for asking." He smiled softly. Stuart nodded and left to go to the bathroom.

Murdoc scratched at his arm. What was he going to do? How would he leave in the morning? Or even bring up the topic? Of course, part of him didn't want to leave, as he could spend the day with Stuart, and learn a little bit more about him. But at the same time, he didn't want to make him uncomfortable, so he thought that it would be best to just leave in a little bit. Murdoc was too deep into thought, that when Stuart came out of the bathroom, he was slightly startled. "Just to let you know, the bathroom is right here...obviously, and uhm, if there is anything else that you want to ask me, feel free. I'm going to make some eggo waffles. Do you want some?" Murdoc raised his eyebrows at waffles. "Fuck yes." Stuart chuckled "Okay." And opened the freezer.


Stuart sat down with Murdoc with their toaster waffles, picking at his food slowly. Murdoc picked up on his body language and furrowed his brows. "What's on your mind?" He asked. Stuart sighed, swaying his feet, "I don't know..." He mumbled. Murdoc assumed that it was personal, so he didn't want to bug Stuart into spilling it. He respected privacy.

On the other hand, Stuart was contemplating how he should phrase his question to Murdoc. Will you leave once you helped me break up with Paula? The realization that he had started to become attached to Murdoc made him uncomfortable, as Murdoc could just disappear easily after his offered job is done. Stuart mumbled, making Murdoc hum in question. "What will happen once I break up with Paula?" He blurted. Murdoc tilted his head "Well, I'm sure you'll be happier. And you'll have that single freedom." Stuart stifled a laugh, chewing on his waffle. "No- well, I mean-" Murdoc by this time is looking at him very dumbfounded. Stuart swallowed "Will we still be... friends?" Stuart hesitated to say friend, not knowing if Murdoc even considered him a friend or not. Murdoc let out a short laugh "You think I'm just going to help you and leave?" Stuart froze. Saying his fear out loud made it seem even worse. Murdoc sighed apologetically "That would be extremely heartless. It would be such a missed opportunity." 2D looked up, his face shifted into a questioning one. Opportunity? His twisted mind thought of manipulation. Murdoc gave him the same friendly nudge from when they were on the train. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon; I think you're great to be around." He grinned meaningfully. Stuart stared at his canines, thinking about everyone he knew had probably ground them down in their sleep, including him. He chuckled softly, feeling quite relieved he liked his presence and company. It seemed to encourage him, giving him confidence. "I love hanging around you too." He said loosely. It seemed to spill out of his mouth, but not exactly blurting. Murdoc smiled in response, eating his waffles.

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