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I immediately headed over to the hospital to check on my cousin, since I'm sure no one else would have checked on her all day. The nurses felt bad about what happened to her and understood not to mention anything about the situation to her. Since she refused to have him arrested I had him banned from coming to see her. She was mad at me for a while but she got over it, at least she stopped complaining about it. Within twenty minutes I was down at the hospital, the nurses and I greeted each other before I quickly made my way up to her room. Up on the third floor the third door after the elevator was her room.

I knocked then entered the room to see her sat up with the light on. She was wiping at her face. Tears. I became furious. She shed tears, she looked like she gave up on life, and that is not what I want for my cousin. I grew up with her she was basically my sister. I walked in dropping my stuff on the chair and taking off my jacket before I climbed in the bed next to her, avoiding the IV tube they attached to her hand.

"Why are you crying?" I asked like it was nothing she broke out in tears again as she looked at me.

"When did I become this way, what happened to me what happened my relationship, what happened to the loving boyfriend I once had?" she quietly sobbed.

"He wasn't real, that was just a wolf in sheep's clothing, he knew you were so much better with out him that he needed a way to keep you to him." I reasoned with her.

"But he was the perfect man when we first started dating, I thought he would change and see that I loved him that he was all I needed and I was all he needed." She sobbed.

"You can't change people, Stella, no matter how hard you try, you can only hope for the best." I soothed her. "I can help you, anyone can help you, all you need to do is ask."

"Marina, I need your help." She pulled out of my embrace and looked at me seriously.

"Then I will help you. When you get out, you and I will work on what needs to be done, you only have two more days in here, don't loose your courage, remember you can do this, okay?" I hugged her gently before I stood and headed toward the door.

"Are you going to where I think your going?" She asked before I opened the door.

"If you mean the place where I relieve my stress then yes, yes I am" I smirked after my informative tone then pulled on my coat and headed to my car.

By ten I was walking down the small hill of the down town streets, toward the underground club, after parking my car in it's usual hiding place. I fixed the mask that covered from my nose to my chin in black with a white outline. I had changed in to black yoga tights and a white sports bra under a black belly length tank top. My gloves were on and ready. I jogged down the couple of steps and knocked on the thick metal door. The peephole cover slid back and one of the guards looked me over before shutting the cover and opening the door.

"Welcome back, little lady." Carlos smiled as he closed the door behind me.

"Thanks, Carlos." I smiled even though he couldn't see it.

I made my way down the hall passing various rooms out to the large area where the fights were kept. The ring was more like a cage. It had the base of a normal ring but like MMA or UFC fighters the sides were a tall wall of metal, you had to open the door to exit and enter the ring. As I entered there was already a fight going on. Two large muscled men kicked pucked and tackled each other while I stood against the wall and watched.

"The man with the blue shorts on is loosing terribly to our new comer, Danger." My friend, who I nicknamed Fluffy, approached me.

"Hey, Fluffy, He seems to be a really good fighter if he's beating Cujo that bad."I replied watching as Danger ducked and dodged with almost inhuman speed and landed hits on Cujo's ribs and under his chin before he knocked his opponent out.

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