A Step Back

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"What exactly is going on here Max?" I closed the door behind me and stood in front of his desk.

Maxwell Thorn had called me while I was driving Marina home, and after I dropped her off I drove straight over to his office to get some answers. There were rumors about me marrying Marina just to get an heir to take on the business or that I'm secretly gay and so on.

"Your engagement is being called a lie. Apparently someone has been filling new people in about you and Ms. Foster seeing other people."

"Why would we be seeing other people and why would I make her 'famous' just so we could potentially get caught in a lie?" I asked gripping the bridge of my nose almost to the point of pain.

"Many theories have been brought up; one being that she is black mailing you into marrying her so she can get money. Another is that you are probably using her to show that you're not gay and or that you're not a stuck up rich boy that only goes for rich white women or white women in general and so many more." Maxwell snickered like a kid as he showed me all the newspapers and their allegations circled in red ink.

"Why exactly are you showing me this?" I asked skeptical of all this.

"Cub, you still have much to learn about our leopard race. Though we are loners we look after our cubs, now though you are not from my blood you are a cub that still needs training. I'm merely here to help you grow." Maxwell smiled like a cat with a plan.

"You wanted me to get rid of Marina, now you're trying to help us, what was the cause of this sudden change?" I continued to eye him suspiciously.

"I'm looking after you, cub, not the woman, we must take care of our own, if I can't get rid of her than I will have to help you another way, that's all." He looked at me with an honest look on his face.

"Leopards are loners, you are a male, male leopards don't look after the cubs, the mother does, by herself." I raised an eyebrow as I continued to stare.

"We are also part human meaning I have the ability to care for someone." Maxwell retorted tenting his hands as he rest he rest his elbows on the desk.

"I'm going to marry her; I just need her to say yes, which I know she will. All I have to do in the meantime is keep her from seeing or hearing about this nonsense." I crossed my arms over my chest and sat back.

Something was off about this meeting and Maxwell himself. I had yet to see any newspapers with this information or hear people gossiping about it. Maxwell had a trick up his sleeve and I need to figure it out before things went left. I need to get Marina to stay with me so I could protect her better of even a portion of this problem is real.

"Well then, I'd love to assist in the designing of the wedding dress, it's the least I can do." He offered.

"I'll just have to leave that choice up to her." I stood and headed for the door, leaving his office without another word.


"Before I become severely angry, I think it's fair to ask you about this first." Marina greeted me as I entered her apartment.

"Ask away." I replied closing the door behind me and pulling my suit jacket off.

"What exactly is all this about?" She held up the newspaper opened to the tenth page with three pictures.

One picture was me and one of the woman I had a lunch meeting with and the other was Marina and Fredrick sitting next to each other on the deck of the boat where the night she wanted to leave the party. The last and middle picture was of Marina and I together smiling a at the inventors ball. The headline in bold letters said: Engaged millionaire and fiancé messing around before tying the knot?

"Where did you get this?" I asked taking the paper from her hands.

"It was on my doorstep and what do you know about this bullshit?" She replied pulling me in to the living room.

"I think someone is trying to set us up. It could be one of three things; someone wants to rush us in to marriage, someone wants us to split up." I stared in to empty space.

"You said three, what's the third option?" she stood in from of me with her hands on her hips.

"I don't know! That's the problem, what reason does anyone have to post such lies?" I looked up at her feeling confused.

"An angry ex or a stalker, maybe someone who hates us both, mostly you though." she added the last part with a shrug.

"I just came back from Maxwell's home office and he was telling me about all this, there are newspapers everywhere filled with this garbage.

"Maxwell, you mean that strange man that calls you cub?" She made a disgusted face.

"Yeah, why?" I pulled her down to sit on my lap.

"He's a bit weird, I mean granted he's really attractive but then again isn't all the crazy ones?" Wrapping her arms around my shoulders and leaned her head against mine.

"You're a prime example." I smirked planting a kiss on her neck.

"Just had to go and ruin a pleasant moment." She grumbled pushing me away as she stood up.

"But seriously, what do you think we should do?" I held on to her hand.

"We could deny the allegation or- one of my favorite things to do is- ignore them and go about our lives." Marina spoke sarcastically.

"I like ignoring, by the way, how did you like the house?" I stood up and led her to her bedroom.

"I like it, but I don't think we need such a large house. Twelve bedrooms is a lot, don't you think?"

"No, we'd have more than enough space for family and friends to stay over."

As we entered the room I pulled at my tie before unbuttoning my shirt. Marina sat on the bed and stared at me for a moment before she opened her mouth to speak then closed it and looked away from me. I found it odd since she usually said what she felt or just kept it to herself.

"Is there something you want to say?" I pulled the tie odd before stripping out of my shirt and tossing it on the chair.

"I just realized that I'm finally getting comfortable with you. It's weird because I can almost predict everything you'd do but when I do, you manage to trip me up." She looked up at me biting her bottom lip.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I knelt in front of her and took her hands in mine.

"I don't know," She laughed looking away from me. "I may expect you to do something considerate and you might do the wrong thing, I don't want to set myself up for failure."

"Hopefully any failure you think I'd bring is in the kitchen, because I didn't go through all your security just so I could get with another woman and make you hate me." She started laughing as she used her forearm to wipe to small tear that escaped her eye.

Without another word I pulled her in to my arms and lay on the bed. With a tension releasing sigh she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me to her. We both fell asleep within minute to the sound of crickets and cars passing by every now and again.

By six thirty we were awaken by the sound of her annoying alarm above the serene sound of birds chirping. I made destroy the retched thing before it had the chance to wake her. Instead I woke her up the way we would both enjoy; full of kissing and touching... slowly.

"Kevin." She mumbled reaching up and petting my cheek.

"We have to work today, love." I ran my tongue along her neck. "the business doesn't run itself, unfortunately."

With a heavy sigh she sat up and peaked each eye open one at a time before standing up and heading into the bathroom. I watched as she closed the bathroom door in amusement. Standing up I opened the door to the bathroom to see her sitting on the toilet using her arms as a pillow for her head. I raised an eye brow at her position, her eyes were closed but she was peeing.

"Marina," I spoke calmly still staring.

"I'm peeing, go away." Her voice still held the haziness of sleep as she spoke.

"This is too cute." I gushed sarcastically.

"Out!" She repeated, flushing and standing up with a stretch before striping her clothes off.

Once fully naked Marina turned on the shower, waiting a moment before getting. With a shrug I stripped and joined her. She jumped as I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me.

"Your still in here?" She asked slightly annoyed.

"You're naked, when would I walk away from you when your naked?" I chuckled kissing her shoulder.

"If I was on my lady business then you'd leave me alone." She sighed lazily washing herself.

"You'd be surprised." I kissed the other side of her neck and began to shower properly.

By eight thirty we arrived on our floor, heading straight for my office. All the whispering stopped as soon as we came in to view. I shook my head as I heard Marina sigh in annoyance.

"You hired a whole team of gullible gossipers, Kevin, how does it feel?" She asked as we finally made it to my office.

"I feel like breaking their necks but then again the place can't run itself." I sighed as I sat in my chair and put my feet up on my desk.

"That's the spirit." Marina smirked as she cam around the desk and lean her butt against it as she crossed her arms under her chest and stared at me.

"Where would you like to go for lunch?"

The edge of the desk seemed to plump up her butt even more than it already was as she lean back a little more. My eyes trailed up as I noticed her arms were doing the same for her breasts, making them large tan brown globes.

"Lunch is four hours away, you didn't even start working yet." Marina raised a delicate eyebrow at me.

"Right. Maybe there's something I could snack on-"

"No, get to work, there's a lot to do today." She cut me off causing my gaze to fly up meeting her annoyed gaze.

"Ugh, fine, can I at least get some candy, or something?" She looked at me for a moment before picking up her bag and digging in to it.

"Here, now work!" She pulled out a green box of mike&Ike's and tossed them to me.

"Is this whole rumor thing getting to you?"

"I'm going to buy some coffee, I'll be back." Marina replied after a moment before storming out of my office with her bag over her shoulder.

"I guess it is," I mumbled opening the box and pouring some of the candy into my mouth.

'You think?' Zuvan growled annoyed with me.


I Know this is probably really short compared to what I really wanted to do but whatever it happens. Next chapter already in progress and I have alittle surprise waiting in there :). COMMENT VOTE SHARE!!

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