Chapter 2 - Meeting Up At Starbucks

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Hey guys so I hope you liked my first chapter because here is the second one (And yes I know the first one was short so I'm going to try to make this one longer) ~ Abby

Abby's POV

I can't believe this. I can't believe this at all. I just ran into Harry Styles and he asked me for my number. I'm starting to think this is a dream. I pinched myself but it's not. But why am I freaking out so much? He has like a billion other things to do. It's not like he's going to call me back.

Just then my phone started ringing. 'Get out, get out, get out of my head, and fall into my arms instead.' I answered it thinking it would be Harry but it was just Valerie.

"Abby where are you? The reason I didn't answer earlier is because my phone was off", she asked me through the phone.

"That's exactley what I was going to ask you. But anyway, I'm near the McDonald's." I replied. I gave her the directions and she told me she's on her way. Then I realized I forgot to tell her that I met Harry. Oh well, she wouldn't believe me anyway. About 5 minutes later I heard someone yelling my name.

"Abby,Abby! Turn around!" I looked behind me to see Valerie running towards me.

"Where were you?" I asked annoyed.

"I went to Claire's to check out the earrings there. See look!" She said to me holding up a pair of silver stud earrings.

"They look nice", I said back. Right after I said that, my phone went off again. It was a number I had never seen before.

"Hello?", I answered confused. I gave Valerie the 'Give me one minute' look. She nodded and walked away.

"Hi. Is this the blonde girl I met earlier?', said a familiar british accent.

"Harry?", I replied trying to hide my excitement.

"I was beginning to think you didn't know who I am", he said back.

"How couldn't I?" I could feel him smiling on the other end of the phone.

"I'm not sure. So how about some coffee at Starbucks?"

"Sounds great but my friend is with me." I replied.

"Well Niall is coming along too so I think it will work out." I'm about to explode on the inside. I couldn't believe I was about to meet 2/5 of One Direction in one day!

"Ok, we will be there in 10."

"Ok, see you there." Then the line went dead. I walked up to Valerie.

"Would you believe me if I told you I met Harry Styles and he wanted to get coffee with us?"

"Probably not." She replied.

"I guess I'll just have to show you then." I said back with a smile on my face.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked confused. I didn't reply and grabbed her wrist. I started walking towards Starbucks. Valerie asked me about a million questions but I still didn't say anything back. We were at Starbucks in about 10 minutes just like I told him.

Me and Valerie walked in and sat down at a table when I finally let go of her wrist.

"What was that all about!?" She asked me angrily.

"Just wait" I replied. We were sitting there for about 5 minutes when I thought maybe we were at the wrong Starbucks. Just then, a curly haired and a blonde boy walked in. I gave Harry a small wave to let him know where me and Valerie were. Valerie looked at me confused but I still didn't say anything. I guess Niall was as confused as Valerie because he gave Harry a weird look as well. When Harry and Niall got closer, Valerie realized who they were and looked at me in disbelief.

"Is that Niall Horan and Harry Styles from One Direction!?", she whispered/yelled in my ear. I just smiled at her. I could tell she was about to scream so I covered her mouth before she could. We were sitting at a round table with 4 chairs, which me and Valerie were sitting in 2 of them. Niall sat down across from Valerie and Harry sat down across from me.

"I hope you know I never got your name", Harry said to me with his signature smile. God he looked like an angel.

"Abby. Abby Chandler", I replied.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Niall asked us as he finally spoke up in his thick irish accent. I could tell Valerie was trying really hard not to scream. I was actually acting surprisingly calm.

"Well...uhh....we were just.....", I said starting to trail off. Just then Harry's phone started beeping.

"Hello? Yes, I'm with Niall. What? Why do we have to be there now? Alright. See you soon mate." Harry said ending the call. I rasied an eyebrow at him.

"It was Louis. Apparently management wants us to get to the concert early so we can rehearse a few more times", Harry said now looking at Niall.

"Would you ladies like to join us?" Niall asked smiling at us.

Could this day get any better?

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