~29~:First Kiss

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Nightmare's POV

It's already 11:25pm
It was now time to sleep after the talk
I gave Blue and Dream a chance to sleep in my castle so they are now on their own rooms
Everyone's quiet now
I wonder where's Ink...
Oh yeah I can sense his aura but...too negative
What is he doing?
I shrugged and teleported to where Ink is since I sensed his negative aura
I looked around, I'm at Ink's room and I'm still being hidden at the shadows
Ink was being curled up on his bed and seems like he's been crying cuz he's trembling
I can also hear some words he whisper or whimper like
'Maybe I should forgive them instead'  'Wait no no...I wanted to but...I just couldn't'     'What will I do...I can't lose them...'
Seems like he's talking to himself...
I sighed as I slowly approached him
He didn't notice me yet so I sat down beside him and hugged him
He flinched a bit
Well...I don't really know how to cheer up some sadist and crying people so uh...how about a hug?

He looked up to me
His face was full of sadness and agony
I felt pity on him
"What's wrong?" I asked
He sniffled and wiped his tears with his hand then looked away from me
"N-nothing *sniff*" he whimpered
I sighed as I started rubbing his back comfortly
"Come on,you can tell me" I cooed
"W-who c-cares..." He stuttered
Damn how am I gonna say this any longer..
Maybe I'm just gonna make it worse.
Hmm...I could try my best,he's my friend now afterall
"Ink,I'll listen ok?
Just take some deep breaths" I said
He sighed and did what I told
Minute in half later
"Well...everyone hates me" he muttered still looking down
"You know that's not tr-" I said but he cut me off by glaring at me
"Oh it's true!, everyone's just using me! What do u think why I was here in the first place??? Because you're just gonna use me or my 'super' negative energy against the world! Dream hates me that's why he blamed everything on me! Blue hates me because he also blamed everything on me!
Error hates me because I'm a soulless bitch! 404 hates me and used me! EVERYONE IN THE WORLD HATED ME! ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE IN EVERY AUS!" He yelled and started crying again
I froze and didn't know what to do...

"And y-you're asking m-me w-what's wrong?! W-well I'm just a s-stupid a-abomination who f-fucked up a-at everything! I'm t-tired already! And j-just k-kill me now t-to end t-this bullshits!" He yelled at me again
I gulped
Well...he can't die...right?
"Ink...you know that's not really tru-" I calmly said but he cut me off again
"Stop s-saying that! E-everything is t-true! And-"
That's it,I had enough
Before he could finish his sentence, I pulled him into a passionate kiss
He flinched and surprised by my sudden action
He tried to pulled away but failed,he melted into the kiss
He's still trembling from crying
I then pulled away from the kiss and I can feel that I'm now blushing
Damn...why did I do that...trying to calm him of all things,why kiss??
I'm so stupid
He then touched his mouth and narrowing his eyes at me like I did something wrong
"Why t-the hell d-did you do t-that?" He asked
I tensed up from that question

"W-well...I uh...um...*sigh*
I did that because I'm proving you that not everyone hates you..." I quietly said
He calmed down a bit
"Then why a kiss..?" He asked
Cuz I thought that's the best and only way to shut u up already
"You're having a feelings for me...don't you?" He asked again
I gulped
Oh no what should I tell him?? Ok...fine,honesty is the best policy...
"You wouldn't even believe me if I say yes" I said
"So it's a yes?" He asked
Sigh...I know u won't feel the same
I just stood up and walked towards the door then opened it
I looked back at Ink to see he has a confused look on his face
"Just...forget about it
Goodnight and sleep well" I  calmly said then walked out and closed the door from behind
I hope he's fine now...
And...that was the first ever kiss I did or received tho..
I hope he won't over think about it

I sighed and started walking away and heading to my room to sleep
While walking through the dark hallway but I can still see the way because the windows are visible and I can see the moon bright shinely
Until I saw a silhouette of a kid from the distance
I stopped and looking at it
But I still couldn't see clearly who it was because its still dark
"Boss,u okay? Why are u still here awake?" Someone suddenly asked
I looked behind me to see Killer walking towards me
I looked back to where I was looking to see the silhouette is already gone...
What the heck?
"Can't sleep,aren't yah?" Killer asked who was now beside me
I wonder who was that...I never sensed that aura before or that dark figure's presence...
"Just...leave me alone" I said and continued walking
"Gezz,okay then" Killer said

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