
583 18 9

This chapter will have 🍋
Beware OwO,lol
I'm not really good at writing  this...

No One's POV

Nightmare was now panicked,he doesn't know what to do
He felt hot and sick but he doesn't even have a fever
He teleported outside of Lust Sans' house and knocked on the door hurriedly making Lust groaned in annoyance
When he opened the door,he saw Nightmare who was now sweating, panting,and a blushing mess
Lust just laughed at this
"Just tell me w-what have y-you done to me!!??" Nightmare yelled at Lust
"Oh please...isn't it obvious? You're in heat~" Lust cooed then winked at Nightmare
"Oh fuck you! Give me the cure,now!" Nightmare demanded as he pointed a sharp tentacle on Lust
Lust doesn't seem to be scared at him,he just smirked and walked closer to him

"Tell me who's the love of your life first~" Lust said
"After this,would you give me the cure then??" Nightmare asked
"Sure sure,what ever" Lust said
"Fine,it's Ink
Now give me the cure to this shit" Nightmare growled
"Well...he can help you with that~" Lust said
"Did u know that he has a cure to this??" Nightmare asked
"Hmm...interesting, it's also nice that u haven't experienced being in heat before
All you need is to...fuck Ink~" Lust cooed
Nightmare was shocked at this
"HELL NO! WHY WOULD I!??" Nightmare yelled
"Sorry pal,that's the only cure for your...'sickness'~" Lust lied and started walking backwards to his house
"Tell me the truth!" Nightmare yelled and launched his tentacle at Lust
But Lust just dodged it
"Come on,u can't deny it
Just go fuck him until so many pleasures will come to the two of you~" Lust cooed and entered his home and closed the door

"BULLSHIT!" Nightmare cursed as he made a portal back to his Castle and to his room
He entered and closed the portal from behind
'I really really hate that slut' Nightmare grumbled under his breath as he sat down on his bed and started panting again
He really felt weird now because of the magic that Lust gave to him
'Why would I fuck Ink if he don't even feel the same for me...ugh!
I hate this!' Nightmare thought
He laid down on his bed and tried to sleep to fade the sickness that was on him
But failed, he can't sleep
He sat up again and thinking what could he do
'I wonder if I'll just do it on my own...' He thought as he pulled down his shorts and started rubbing his pelvis

He groaned and started enjoying of what he was doing
He kept rubbing it with his hand until he let out a moan but his heat was still not fading
'Come on...just be gone already...' He mumbled and suddenly summoned his ecto member that's when he heard someone knocking the door
"Night? Are you there? Are you okay?" It was Ink
'Shit...maybe my moans was too loud...or something, what should I do!?' Nightmare thought
At this point,Ink became worried because no one answers his questions and the door was unclocked
"I'm coming in ok?" He asked then opened the door
What he saw shocked him
'Fuck' Nightmare mumbled
The two was now a blushing mess
Nightmare's hand was still on his newly summoned member tho

Ink's POV

I'm still frozen at my position
The heck..?
Wha- how-
'Lol,he's in heat,goodluck with that'
'Wait,how did you know??'
'It's obvious, and seems like u need to help him with that~
And lucky for me,I'm just stuck in your head,haha!'
'Wai-WHAT!!?? WHY ME!?'
With that he doesn't respond anymore
I noticed that Nightmare was now right infront of me,which I flinched a bit and snapping my thoughts
He sighed then closed the door from behind with his tentacle and locked it
I gulped

"Ink...c-can you please help me?
With my heat?" Nightmare asked
I was speechless but kept on blushing
And I felt like my soul is beating fast
Ok...if I don't follow his orders...there will be consequences..
It was on the rules also...
Damn...*sigh* maybe I don't have any choice now...
I trembled and nodded a bit
He smiled a little and pulled me into his bed with him and sat down but he sat me down on his lap
"But first...are you really sure abo-" he said but I cut him off
"Yes..just go on
I'm always willing to help you anyway...no matter what" I muttered and looked down
Well...I think...I like him after all the days I spend with him
Wait no...not just like...more like... Love

I then suddenly felt that he removed my scarf revealing the swirling tattoos that was on my neck
He lifted up my cheekbone with his hand and started kissing me passionately
I blinked as my pupils turned into hearts
I kissed back and I felt him licked my teeth asking for entrance and I just welcomed him without hesitant
Infact...I started loving this(not being horny)
He started exploring my mouth and we started fighting for dominance but he won,I moaned into the kiss,I also felt him removing my underneath clothes and minutes later we parted from the kiss with a trail of saliva connected to our mouths
He pinned me down to the bed with his tentacles that was on my wrists and ankles
He leaned closer to my neck and started licking it
"A-aH!~ N-Night..." I moaned,I was very sensitive to that part tho until he suddenly bit it as I moaned loudly,leaving a bitemark that was his
"Damn Ink,you're too loud~" he cooed
"And with this mark,it means you're mine now" he added

I was about to talk until he started rubbing my pelvis
I tried to cross my legs but they were being separated by his tentacles
"Come on,summon something that I can fuck~" he cooed
Damn...he really is in heat
I moaned and I dunno but full of pleasures came into me until I suddenly summoned a female member
"Heh,too excited aren't we?~
Well I'm supposed to be the one who's excited tho" he cooed and lined his member into my entrance
I gulped,knowing this will really gonna be hurt
"U ready Ink?" He asked
I nodded hesitantly

He then shoved his full length at me
Making me arch my back by the sudden feeling
"AAAA!~ N-NIGHT!" I screamed in pain as tears started to form from my eye sockets but he wiped them with his thumb
"Just tell me you're ready to...u know..." He muttered
I nodded slowly and started adjusting into his length


I was now ready as he started thrusting in and out into me
"AaH~ Ink...you're so tight~" he moaned and kept thrusting
I moaned in every thrusts he make
It hurts but it started to fade,and the pain went into pleasure
While he was thrusting,he wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he went deeper and harder
"A-aAgH! N-nIghT!~ aH! T-toO d-dEeP! MmM!~" I moaned as he kept thrusting
He then went faster as I feel like I'm almost there to my climax
"N-nIghT!~ aA-AaH!~" I moaned
"Ah~ I-Ink,I t-think I'm almost...t-there~" he moaned and kept on thrusting

Minutes later(lol)

Suddenly, I climaxed as he kept on thrusting,but it was now deeper than before
"N-nIghT! AaAaaAHh!!~ P-pLeaSe! T-tOo...toO d-deEp! S-sTo-Op! Aa-AaaAaH!~" I moaned but too late...he climaxed on me

He kissed me and I kissed back
We both are now exhausted
He then pulled away and flopped down beside me and pulled up the blanket to cover our lower body
I was now breathing hard,it's like I'm going to die but nah...
"U ok *pant* Ink?" He asked
"Y-yeah..." I muttered then closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep
Before I started to sleep
I felt him cuddled me and kissed my forehead then saying "I'm really sorry Ink...I hope u forgive me by doing this to you...
Just...rest well,Inky"
I blushed at the nickname he called me
I forgave him,I know he really didn't mean to,but I'm glad it helped him for his heat to be gone...I just realized that...I really do love him back...

Damn....I was sleepy while writing this chapt...

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