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Sinfully Yours

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Sinfully Yours. My second home.

I think I spent more time at the club than I did at my own apartment. Between ensuring that my operation runs smoothly and actually running the club, I hardly ever had time to go home.

But today, I could think of no place better than my own bed.

While I loved Los Angeles- the sun, the warmth, and the endless blue skies -London would always be my home. I was only ever in LA for business, which was usually only three or four times every six months or so, so my apartment never ever really felt like home. I never made it feel like a home. 

I was met in London with grey clouds and a storm threatening to start at any moment. Ah, just how I like it. Niall came to pick me up from the airport and I couldn't have been happier to see him. Meeting with mafia families and gang leaders for the past week wasn't as fun as it led on, so seeing the human form of sunshine waiting for me near baggage claim, it instantly improved my mood. 

Sitting in the car and driving back to my apartment, Niall began to fill me in on what I had missed. It was only visible for a second, a moment when he had turned his head to change lanes that I saw it. A hickey. A large one at that. Right at the junction of his neck and shoulder. I knew that it could have been put there by anyone but I also knew that he had a thing for Sette, so my mind instantly jumped to that conclusion. 

"How was Sette?" I asked, I had to try really hard to hide my smirk. His head snapped in my direction and his eyes wide. "Louis told me she danced last night." My voice came out light, making the question seem more innocent than I had led on. 

"Oh, uh, she was good. Very talented, yeah?" He tried to seem cool, but I've known him my entire life, I knew he was panicking a little bit. But why? Why wouldn't he just tell me about what happened? It was pretty odd. 

My suspicions that they had hooked up or at least done enough for Sette to give him a hickey, were even more backed up when I had called her once Niall and I had gotten back to my apartment. She sounded a little flustered over the phone, her words coming out quickly when I asked her about Niall. 

It was weird that she didn't tell me, but it was her life, I guess. I'd let her tell me when she was ready. I didn't mind, honestly. Sette had been in my life for almost six years now and I loved her so much - in a friend way, obviously. As much as I love the sex we have, I just want her to be happy. I don't think in the entire time I've known her, I have ever seen her truly happy. 

Same goes for Niall as well. He deserves the world. His life has been so shit, he deserves some happiness. And if Sette is the one to give that to him, then I am all for it. I knew as soon as they met that they could be good together, and I'm glad they finally took the first step. A small step, but still a step.

Plus, I kinda wanted to see how it would play out, what I could say or do before I got them to crack. 

It was now 3:05PM and Niall and I were sitting on the couch. Louis, Zayn, and Liam were supposed to come over to talk about work but they were late. I had turned on the TV when I sat down, letting some random show play while I waited for them to arrive. All I wanted to do was have a nap but I couldn't until after our meeting. And even then, it would only be for a fucking hour before I'd have to go to the club. 

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