Chapter 7

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Bucky had seen a lot in his life, he wasn't the kind of person that was easily shocked by things, but the way he turned his head towards you was enough to prove him otherwise. Your sister and her husband were looking at him, whereas his eyes were focused on you. You looked at him and pleaded through your gaze for him to go along with your charade, and he did.

"Um, yes. I'm James," Bucky stretched his other hand that was free from your grip towards your sister. "Her boyfriend."

Your sister took his hand excitedly, "I'm Carol, her big sister. I'm so glad she finally has a boyfriend. Most of them don't last a month."

"That's not true," you murmured, hoping no one heard that but, of course, your sister did.

"Oh yeah, Y/N? What was your longest relationship?"

"It was more than a month, okay?" you answered, taking a stand for yourself and Carol arched her brow, folding her hands around her chest for you to explain further.

"41 days," you stated honestly, your voice dropping an octave with every word you said around your sister. Bucky hated that. He hated that your sister made you feel less about yourself, he hated that this Carol was making the woman he admired feel like shit. He wanted to say something, but your sister started chuckling and your brother-in-law chimed in too. Carol's husband's laugh was more out of awkwardness, whereas your sister found amusement in your embarrassed state.

Bucky tightened his palm around yours, lacing your fingers with his, and turned to look at you. "41 days is more than a month," he asserted in the most monotonous tone, and all the heads turned towards him. You hated his 'I don't care' tone, but the way he was addressing your sister with the same tone made you feel like a teenager crushing on a guy who was out of her league. Because that was the truth, if somehow you ignored the whole boss-employee thing and went out with him, sooner or later, he would have realized he's hotter than you, and he could get someone way better than you. Maybe that's why you said no to him. You'll never know the actual reason. But hey, now he's your pretend boyfriend. Surely, that would not end up in a disaster.

Your eyes that were hung low, staring at the floor sparkled with glee, and you raised your head to face Bucky. "I know!" you exclaimed, and Bucky couldn't stop the smile that reflected on his face after seeing you grin giddily.

Carol frowned, and your brother-in-law spoke over, sensing the rising tension in the environment. "Honey, I think we should head over to the hotel."

Your sister didn't say anything further, she glanced at you and then at Bucky before telling you about their schedule and informing you about yours.

Once your sister left, you dragged Bucky inside your apartment and started pacing around the living room.

"We have to think of something," you announced, "You could say you have a work thing and skip going with us."

"That's only going to raise suspicion in your sister's eyes."

"So what do you want me to do, James? Just pretend that we are together?" You raised your voice in frustration, waving your hands dramatically for extra emphasis.

"Yes," he answered honestly. Besides the raging crush he had on you, Bucky didn't want you to face your family alone. From what you've told him about them, and now he has seen your sister firsthand, he prefers not to imagine how difficult it must get for you when all of them team up against you.

You looked at your boss for a second before shaking your head. "I can't ask you to do this for me. You've already done a lot."

"Well, good because I'm not asking either. It's only one weekend, Y/N. I don't mind it," he assured you, "Also, your sister is somewhat entertaining."

You laughed and at that moment Bucky decided that your laugh is the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Nobody and nothing compared to the way your eyes sparkled with delight, the way your nose scrunches a little, the way your lips extend and almost reach your ears, the way your hand reaches to cover up your cute snort, and the way your chest rumbles with mirth. You had to be the most beautiful sight ever, Bucky thought.

"I'm going to pretend that you did not say the last part because then I would have to hate you."

"Oh, can't have you hating me," Bucky mocked, pretending to be scared by wrapping his hands around himself and feigning a shiver. You shook your head in amusement, and Bucky relaxed a bit. He was actually petrified. He genuinely can't have you hating him. It would crush him and his little heart. "I think I should go now, I've got to pack for the weekend."

"Ugh, this is the worst," you groaned, "I'm going to throw myself out of the window."

"Wow, my fake girlfriend has a morbid sense of humor," Bucky teased, making you smile and you waved your hands in dismissal.

"You have a long weekend ahead of you, Mr. Barnes. If I were you, I'd enjoy my sleep while I still can," you warned, and he snickered before leaving your apartment.

You exhaled, a smile still lingering on your lips, and you started preparing for the next few days.


You insisted on taking your car, but your sister forced you to travel with them, so now it was you and James seated in the backseat of your sister's car while she listened to some classical music that you had no knowledge of, and her husband kept his focus on the road.

"Y/N, last month me and Nick went to this Opera show and it was mind-blowing."

You were about to say something like 'cool' or 'nice' with a fake smile, and end the conversation, but she turned to James and pointed her thumb at you. "Can you believe that this one does not enjoy classical music? When we were kids our parents always listened to some good ol' music, but she would come and play some break-up song by a teenager," she huffed, "Who even listens to Taylor Swift?"

"I do," you stated, taking offense that your sister was trash-talking about your favorite artist. It was fine when she said shit about you, but you drew a line when she came for Taylor.

"Of course, you do," Carol scoffed, shaking her head and looking at your boss/fake boyfriend for assistance in her stance.

"I agree," James started, making you frown and close your eyes in exhaustion. Your lips turned downwards while your sister smirked in victory. "I mean, Taylor Swift is not just an artist, she is the music industry. Reputation has to be the best album out there."

"Hey, you were singing a Taylor Swift song that day," he informed you, and you merely nodded, that night was still a blur in your head.

Carol's smile faltered, realizing she won't get your partner's support, and you looked at James only to find him already looking at you with pure adoration in his eyes. Your breath hitched and involuntarily your hand went to his, and he quickly held on to it tightly but gently, raising your hand to drop a feather-like kiss on your knuckles.

This, with him, didn't feel like pretending. Everything with James felt so real that you had to remind yourself that you barely knew the man, and he is actually not your boyfriend. That didn't stop your mind from making up scenes and imagining what if this was real. This felt normal, usual but this also made you feel this weird sensation in your chest and caused a flush in your eyes and it was just the start of the weekend.

You didn't realize it at the moment but you were up for the most amazing and devastating weekend of your life.

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